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God has blessed America.

What’s everyone’s opinion on how the first 30 days have gone?
Another ?…. Is there anyone on here that was not much of a trump fan in past that has changed their minds on him?
I voted for him both times, but I definitely wasn't a huge fan of him first time around. By the end of first term, it was: I don't like him as a person, but I like his economic policies, and why can't he just stay off twitter.

I think it's ridiculous what he went through the past 4+ years and what he's sacrificed since getting into politics. I'm also very impressed with how he's come out swinging this time around and he's dropping hammers. He's also doing EXACTLY what he said he was going to do. I'm also a huge Elon fan and bringing him in was awesome. I'm very optimistic and I just hope he gets the support from the Republican party to get laws actually passed this time, instead of the in party fighting that happened last time. There's more support now (it seems), but the Republican margin is very small now.
Always been a Trump fan. Sure, he's arrogant and over the top on a lot of comments but from a running the country like a business stance, he's exactly what was needed. DOGE is awesome and is sure to wake up some non trump voters on just how out of hand politics has gotten.
Excellent point … check this out a GOP rep thinks the money went overseas and then back into the pockets of Democrats.

I always wondered why Dems were so concerned about Ukraine & other foreign countries? View attachment 129360
This is 100% going to be true. We give billions to Ukraine and then they come back and buy US private military contracts and weapons - its real BS to make the insiders rich.

they dig all this up and show it to thr American people, the dam on the swamp is gonna bust wide open

I think there is a lot of other stupid money being spent by Dems that 75% of the entire US would be against and I hope every damn dollar is exposed

First 30 days A+ for Trump and. B+ for the rest of the party, gotta keep momentum and stay out of their own way.
This is 100% going to be true. We give billions to Ukraine and then they come back and buy US private military contracts and weapons - its real BS to make the insiders rich.

they dig all this up and show it to thr American people, the dam on the swamp is gonna bust wide open

I think there is a lot of other stupid money being spent by Dems that 75% of the entire US would be against and I hope every damn dollar is exposed

First 30 days A+ for Trump and. B+ for the rest of the party, gotta keep momentum and stay out of their own way.
I think you're giving too much credit to the Repub's. IMO they are as corrupt as the Dem's, they just don't get as much payback when they don't have Congress and the Presidency....So, my thought is, if Trump follows the money, he might burn down the entire place, not just the Dem's house....you don't think they are all corrupt, then you're more an optimist than I am... People are pointing out how rich Schumer, Pelosi are, have you seen McConnell's net worth? Plenty in the swamp on the take, not limited to the Dems IMO. I think back to Bush, Cheney.....shudder......
So, do they hold back to save their party or do they let the chips fall as they may and give America back to the people instead of the swamp? Time will tell.
I think you're giving too much credit to the Repub's. IMO they are as corrupt as the Dem's, they just don't get as much payback when they don't have Congress and the Presidency....So, my thought is, if Trump follows the money, he might burn down the entire place, not just the Dem's house....you don't think they are all corrupt, then you're more an optimist than I am... People are pointing out how rich Schumer, Pelosi are, have you seen McConnell's net worth? Plenty in the swamp on the take, not limited to the Dems IMO. I think back to Bush, Cheney.....shudder......
So, do they hold back to save their party or do they let the chips fall as they may and give America back to the people instead of the swamp? Time will tell.
Some Republicans like McConnell. Maybe Romney, Cheney …. All possible .

I doubt Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, Tom Emmer, Steve Scalise, John Kennedy are swindling money … Most Republicans in Congress are (NOT) taking home illegal funds from taxpayer dollars. In my opinion.

I’d be shocked if that is the case. Doge will find out hopefully!
Some Republicans like McConnell. Maybe Romney, Cheney …. All possible .

I doubt Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, Tom Emmer, Steve Scalise, John Kennedy are swindling money … Most Republicans in Congress are (NOT) taking home illegal funds from taxpayer dollars. In my opinion.

I’d be shocked if that is the case. Doge will find out hopefully!
Honestly, I'm not sure he has enough time to uncover it all if he was to look back 16 years or more. I think the corruption in our government is vast... I'm not sure he has enough time to uncover it all if he just looked back 4 years. There's just so much IMO. How long would it take to just paper trail the money supposedly sent to Ukraine?

Zelensky says he didn't get the $200B, maybe half or $80B. Where'd it go? Rep's voted for the aid, you don't think some came back to them? I question it. I just have little faith in what "our" government has become in the last 20 years. The 2 party system is a den of thieves.
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The TWO PARTY SYSTEM…. It’s not D’s & R’s!!!!! It’s establishment vs anti establishment!!!! Corrupt vs the outsiders Trying to end the party.
The Dem’s had their Tulsi, Kennedy, a bit of Bernie sanders, etc and they BURIED them. The R’s tried to do the same with Trump but they lost!!!! :). Anyone who has been begging for a 3rd party…. In a way, you got it!!!!! Old Corrupt R party has been weakened big time. Same with the sham D’s. 2 parties now: Establishment vs anti establishment & why the whole political landscape & electorate has shifted so much.
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