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Iowa Whitetail Forums

  • Deleted by Windlooker
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He was invited to see the ammo process, in no way political or campaigning for anyone!!! Now they have been making more of their own ammo and rockets. Someone has to stop Putin or he will be on our doorstep like mentioned above. Putin has a lot of crap on Trump and has him by the balls. Did you know DJT helped the KGB in 1987? The even gave him a Russian nickname Krasnov.

Don't get me wrong about all DJT's polices, I like most but he's all about himself and his billionaire buddies. DJT lies just about everything, that's his MO, it's all to benefit him. If you want to live under a dictatorship, good luck for our future and our family's future.

Trump has done more good for this country in 6 weeks than Biden, Obama and tge Clintons did in their entire careers. Talk about a bunch of career politicians who became wealthy off of the democratic voter with blinders on. Those three families are the real crime families. I guarantee.
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