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Iowa Whitetail Forums

  • Deleted by Hardwood11
  • Reason: DD
My point is the same!!!!! This benefits big ag and the older generation of landowners. Whether it is now or 20 years from now it will benefit the same group of people.. This will without a doubt lead to pushback/ liberalization of regs. Those of us lucky enough to have it good will not enjoy the perks we currently have forever!! We should keep quiet and enjoy it while we can. If we become a smaller percentage of the population people will notice. We are in the top few percent! We have it awesome!! We don’t need to draw attention to ourselves any more! All LOT privileges will be on the chopping block eventually. If we are lucky that will be it!! More than likely, and history shows this, those that do not currently enjoy LOT privileges will push even more for the liberalization of our current regs and make things even worse for everyone
3 buck tags is too many !! It’s that simple …
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