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Iowa Whitetail Forums

  • Deleted by Muskrat24
  • Reason: Duplicate post
NR truck plates are by far the majority of people hunting MO public areas. Trust me its already a problem. Leases by 10-12 guys from LA or MI on 200 acres (or even less) is happening at an alarming rate as well.
MDC will have more harvests (does) if more residents are not run out of the public and private they formerly had access to. Skips graphic from IDNR study shows that pretty clearly. Northern half a MO is overrun by NR's.
I’d agree that public gets hit hard in MO by NR especially with the new Hunting Public push. Unfortunately I’d guess that the NR tags would have to be greatly reduced from current levels for those public areas to see much relief and access is going to be a problem everywhere because of the rec ground craze and locking up acres. Private is getting locked down either from rec purchases or leases and no new public areas so that will continue. Issuing NR based on zones in MO would probably help as much as anything.
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