Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. bpbowhunter


    No kidding, a friggin STUD! Sure hope he sticks around for you after 10-1! They always seem to dissappear once the season hits.
  2. bpbowhunter

    First pull of the season

    I don't think they are the same deer either. Main beams from the 8 last year appear to turn in more towards the center, and droptine's main beams appear to swoop forward more.
  3. bpbowhunter

    Frozen Morels

    Hopefully someone can help me out here. I was fortunate enough to find a large amount of morels this year. However, unfortunately I believe the largest portion of what I found is now ruined. I cleaned them up, let most of the water drain from them, then froze them separately on plates so they...
  4. bpbowhunter

    Pictures Stolen from this Website

    Seriously, who was it? Those of us who are trustworthy and show respect to others should not be in the dark to a company, or individual, who has that level of, zero integrity.
  5. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    I couldn't agree more with anyone posting replies than you Spysar. No matter what a guy posts on here, and how factual it is...you are always going to have someone that wants to argue. AND YES....how "fair" is it really to pluck an animal 3-400 yards away with a scoped barrell...the animal...
  6. bpbowhunter

    Getting what we deserve? wildlife@dnr.iowa.gov

    Thank you for posting this! Did not know these changes were proposed, but am thankful for it. My email to DNR and vote are in!
  7. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    Ok, I am not trying to argue with you about food plots. IF you want to do so, start a thread regarding food plots/bait. This thread was intended on gathering info and referrals for a Saskatchewan hunt. And no, I did not tell you what is mentioned above. Read a little closer. I simply stated...
  8. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    Any deer....I believe it is safe to say, no food = no deer. A fact.....deer must eat. I am very curious.....where is this magical place you kill deer where they don't eat?
  9. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    I agree with you to a certain extent. I USED to think, Hunting over bait, is simply not fair chase, but I was younger, and ignorant of the facts of different geographical areas. If some redneck were to go his 20 acre, 100 acre, or whatever amount of timber, say in Iowa or Illinois, or really...
  10. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    I am leaning more towards a bow hunt...that is my passion. I can't imagine anything better than having one of those majestic, ghostly monsters come within bow range. Since I started bowhunting, I have always dreamed of going to Sask on a whitetail hunt. Its hard to believe that I am actually...
  11. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    Thank you, I do really appreciate the referral...will certainly check them out.
  12. bpbowhunter

    How To Make Your Own Album And Post Pictures

    Thank you very much for posting this!! I have tried several times to load pictures previously, and had zero success. Finally got a few on from last shed season. Thanks again.
  13. bpbowhunter

    2014 Sheds and Deads

    Here are some pics from last shed season. I tried posting these previously, but they would not load properly. Hopefully this time, thanks to Iowabowtech and the upload process he posted, it will work properly this time. Also, if someone recognizes the giant set that is all chewed up, and has...
  14. bpbowhunter

    Velvet Bucks

    I had a nice looking buck with velvet on my property last week. His body was big, but I was really surprised how large his rack already was, considering how early it is. He was big enough to make me put my trail camera out, hopefully he wasn't just passing though and I can get a good picture...
  15. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    Congrats on the Keeley Lake bucks and thanks for the feedback. I'm sure you probably know this, but you and your buck are on the header of their website! Pretty sweet stuff!
  16. bpbowhunter

    Saskatchewan Whitetail Hunt

    Has anyone ever been on, or know someone that has went on a whitetail deer hunt in Saskatchewan? A friend of mine and I are planning a trip, hopefully for this coming season, worst case the season after. We will be booking with an outfitter to increase our chances of a successful hunt. I...
  17. bpbowhunter

    Top B & C states

    Look at how drastically the numbers have dropped overall in Illinois. I am originally from IL and have personally seen how the herd has been effected and decreasing since I started bowhunting. The seriously need to change the number of deer one can shoot, some antler restrictions would be...
  18. bpbowhunter

    Morels in IA

    Who cares how tough it is to find morels, sheds, deer, etc...! You should just be glad your able to get out there and do whatever it is that your in to. I am used to the fact that finding a shed or maybe two/three or 20-30 morels in a day, is a great day. Used to sitting in a tree all day and...
  19. bpbowhunter

    Morels in IA

    Anyone out there finding any morels in southern Iowa yet?
  20. bpbowhunter

    Doubled Up w/ The Bows!

    Thats some good stuff guys! Great work on the video.
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