Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    Can we rename this thread "What's next for Democrats?" That was a bloodbath. Is the left going to take a long hard look in the mirror? The American people (thanfully) rejected their woke agenda across the board. Or will they double down on the wokeness? What a bloodbath. I love it.
  2. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    No excuses. EVERYONE here needs to go vote today. Polls in Iowa are open until 8:00 PM tonight... plenty of time for you to head to town after crawling out of the tree. They can't turn you away if you're in line. There is not a single excuse to not vote today. I am quite concerned where we...
  3. RinggoCy

    Hunting Rain

    That's where I'm at. I don't have a ton of options for SE.
  4. RinggoCy

    October Dream Buck

    Wow! Congrats. Awesome deer
  5. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    So you're voting for the other option I gather. What makes her more fit than him? Sincerely asking.
  6. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/24/iowa-identified-87-self-reported-noncitizens-who-have-already-cast-ballots-in-elections/ Someone asked for proof of non citizens voting earlier. These are only the ones dumb enough to self-report they're not citizens.
  7. RinggoCy

    2024 Buck - 7.5 years in the making…..

    Unreal. Congratulations!
  8. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    Everyone better crawl out of the tree mid-day on the 5th to go vote. Take your wife, take your buddies. House, Senate, State, and local levels are all important too. Get out and vote. Deer will still be there on the 6th. Vote!
  9. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    Now do democrats and firearms.
  10. RinggoCy

    How elusive/ secluded can deer be?

    This! That old dried up pond with a willow and 3 cedars growing around it in the middle of a section? Can see in all directions from that spot? Seems pretty unimpressive for sure. But you can't tell the smart ones don't find spots like that and call it home for extended amounts of time...
  11. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    -The bill (like all bills for that matter, unfortunately) was stuffed with extras galore. Billions in Ukraine and military funding. "Refugee and Entrant Assistance" BWAHAHA. Yeah they'll fund a little bit of wall and a handful of additional border agents but in the meantime we'll roll out the...
  12. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    What do you mean by what do I expect from Musk? Be honest, did you view any of the links I shared? https://www.allsides.com/news-source/factcheckorg-media-bias Be careful hanging your hat on the "fact checkers" as the ultimate arbiters of truth. They need fact checked themselves.
  13. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    I feel quite confident that I'm not lapping up what appeals to me. https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1830043214079774838 https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1830043573124747613 https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1830043841983885343 https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1830044131021762757...
  14. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    I don't think ttown has been online since I asked him to sell me on Kamala and give me some policy that would be good for the country I love, but I will give him some time on that. Who knows, maybe I'm a Kamala support and I just don't know it yet. I kinda wonder what he's doing on IW to be...
  15. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    What do you think about the current administration (responsible for that botched withdrawal and the deaths of those 13 services members) being nowhere to be found at their memorial service? And in addition, not wanting any attention drawn to themselves involving it. You'd think that would be the...
  16. RinggoCy

    What's next for Republicans?

    I think it's safe to assume you're not voting for Trump. So say I'm an undecided voter, can you sell me on your candidate? And I mean really sell me on your candidate by focusing on their policies that will benefit this country. Genuinely, I'd like to hear.
  17. RinggoCy

    Reality of Land Buying 2000 vs Today

    Appreciate it. We're saving as fast as we can for the down payment. Would love to also get the house paid off asap too.
  18. RinggoCy

    Reality of Land Buying 2000 vs Today

    My wife and I are saving for our first farm and ya'll are making me depressed. Stop. Haha..................
  19. RinggoCy

    Camo clothing

    Different strokes for different folks. Some roll their eyes at others wearing Sitka or whatever brand but then turn around and buy a new carbon bow every year not seeing the irony in their opinion. I have some outer layers that are Sitka and love them. They fit well and are therefore...
  20. RinggoCy

    Artifact hunting

    I've looked a fair amount and had some luck over the years. My dad got interested in it as a kid after he stumbled across a maul in the hog lot... back when hogs weren't confined and were constantly rooting up the ground. He also found a stone that was perfectly round. He was told by an old...
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