Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. CurtisWalker

    Pheasant rebound…

    Numbers in our area have really gone up for 3 years in a row now. Before that we still had birds but not like the last few years. Unfortunately more birds = more hunters so sometimes you see less birds hunting now but you definitely can tell the difference on the areas not hunted. Sent from my...
  2. CurtisWalker

    Trapping 2023-2024

    You can try a lure, but remember you can lead a horse to water but that doesn’t mean it will drink. You can have everything right and sometimes they just walk by. I’ve had traps set for 2 months before a coyote decided to work a set. And they walked by almost daily. Sent from my iPhone using...
  3. CurtisWalker

    Trapping 2023-2024

    Easiest ways to release them are a piece of plywood with a half circle cut out the bottom or place a tote over them and slide a foot out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. CurtisWalker

    Snow Geese

    Crazy report of snows back in Sask already and reports a lot never left. Definitely a strange year with no snow cover slowing them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. CurtisWalker

    Snow Geese

    I’ve also killed loads of snows… if you aren’t decoying them under 40 yards you aren’t doing it right. And yes I’m talking about adult birds too. Rarely do we even try them at 40 because they’ll dump in if your set up is right. I don’t jump shoot them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. CurtisWalker

    Snow Geese

    3.5” BB isn’t the way to go, save your money and shoulder and drop to 3” 3s or even 4s… 6 shot also wallops snows. I’m hoping to get out for a few hunts this year, baby due on the 12th might hinder it a little bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. CurtisWalker

    Pheasant rebound…

    Thanks, nice weather is definitely helping them. If you go by the old wives’ tale of precipitation 90 days after fog. It’s not looking good for nesting season. But for now they are appreciating the corn and scratch grains. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. CurtisWalker

    Pheasant rebound…

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. CurtisWalker

    Speaking at classic & ISC dinner- suggestions on Keeping iowa great?

    I believe they are available now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. CurtisWalker

    ISO Shingle Oaks

    I know where to get a ton of them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. CurtisWalker

    Pheasant rebound…

    Not sure how much NW Iowa got. We got 21” in central Iowa last week and getting 3 more today. Next week kinda looks promising for the birds but at the same time we are supposed to get rain. Freezing temps at night is going to cause a crust on the snow that’s going to be brutal. Sent from my...
  12. CurtisWalker

    Pheasant rebound…

    From what I’m seeing it’s not looking good for pheasants and quail right now. Lots of dead birds on the roads in NW Iowa. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. CurtisWalker

    Meat Locker lost my Antlers

    Technically the transportation tag is supposed to go on the antlers while the harvest report portion is supposed to go on the back leg for this very reason. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. CurtisWalker

    Cold weather activities/trapping

    Been moving snow the last week, finally getting it under control now. Need to go get the alfalfa, corn, and scratch grains out for the deer and pheasants now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. CurtisWalker

    Coyote trapping advice & NOT CATCHING DEER! Old dog learning to catch dogs

    I’ve rarely had issues with deer, yeah maybe a trap snapped here or there but they shouldn’t hold a deer very long at all and they definitely shouldn’t hurt the deer. I trap wide open areas. You don’t want brush piles or next to trees as it allows animals leverage to pull out of the trap...
  16. CurtisWalker

    Feed deer

    I use a jet sled and pull my corn and alfalfa a mile with it. Takes a little bit but it slides nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. CurtisWalker


    You have to have a license and tag for the season you hunt. You can’t just have a hunting license and fill tags for others in the group. So if your group goes 1st season and you want to go with them you have to buy a 1st season tag. That then eliminates you from second season. If people are...
  18. CurtisWalker

    Welcome to my home, birds.

    This is amazing!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. CurtisWalker

    2023-24 Team Contest Score Thread (Teams)

    Don’t forget to get them bucks entered. Cut off Feb 1st Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. CurtisWalker

    Season over December 31

    Do you guys not realize how many of those shed bucks are actually killed during shotgun rather than the LM season? My thoughts on the LM season going as long as it does is because the holidays fall within it. With my family that’s 6 days taken away from hunting for Christmas. (I don’t get...
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