Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Rut Nut

    24-25 Team Contest Sign Up

    9. I'm in
  2. Rut Nut

    Bear Paw Guide, MN

    . If you find you like bear hunting and want to try Canada, look into western Manitoba in the Duck Mountain or Porcupine Mountains for huge bear. There are several outfitters that hunt these areas and routinely harvest 400+ lbs bear.
  3. Rut Nut


    Two or 3 miles from hard surface road.
  4. Rut Nut


    Southern Marion County
  5. Resized_IMAG0045_329435547535421002.jpeg


  6. Rut Nut

    Iowa Cell Camera rules

    Here is the wording from B&C fair chase rules. "Trail Cameras Usage The use of any technology that delivers real-time location data (including photos) to target or guide a hunter to any species or animal in a manner that elicits an immediate (real-time) response by the hunter is not...
  7. Rut Nut

    Iowa Cell Camera rules

  8. Rut Nut

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    It just did.
  9. Rut Nut

    Speeding ticket by camera?

    They cannot be reported on your credit. No fines or parking tickets can be reported on your credit. They will be sent to a collection agency but you it up to you if you want to pay. If you're out of state there isn't much Iowa can do unless you get stopped going through Iowa. I know this because...
  10. Rut Nut

    Deer classic seminar- last one on keep iowa great 2pm

    My wife and I sat in on the 2:00 Sunday seminar. Great job and great information
  11. Rut Nut

    Hickory woodlot

    You will learn a lot just following the forester around.
  12. Rut Nut


    https://www.iowadnr.gov/Portals/idnr/uploads/Hunting/nrd_draw.pdf Draw results points needed.
  13. Rut Nut


    In zones 4,5,6 you needed 1 point to draw a gun / muzzleloader tag
  14. Rut Nut


    Yes all have tags. We have a good relationship with the local game wardens and send a picture to them and they drop by with tags at their convince.
  15. Rut Nut

    Gray fox

    Ive seen 2. One over 20 years ago at Lake Red Rock, the other on my farm about 5 years ago. For some reason we have had more pictures of coyote and red fox on the farm than usual.
  16. Rut Nut


    Almost all the bucks we found have been hard horn. Some just died in November when it warmed up. Around 15 bucks so far. Our population is way down compared to normal I know we will find more when we start shed hunting.This is on about 1000 acres. The attached picture is just a sampling early...
  17. Rut Nut

    Shedding Early

    Our nicest buck shed last year on December 15. We thought there might be something wrong with him. This year he shed on December 13. So he must just shed early. Last years picture and this years
  18. Rut Nut

    Chestnut & persimmon

    Chestnuts are sold at Theisens and Walmart
  19. Rut Nut

    Late November Tactics

    Food plots if you got them. Shoot 2 of my biggest bucks on the Friday evening before shotgun season.
  20. Rut Nut

    2023-24 Team Contest Score Thread (Teams)

    team 3 Got the heaviest buck ever for me 255 lbs field Dressed. Sorry for the crappy picture. but had to take one with bow. 140 4/8
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