Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. big+tall+mass

    2020 archery buck

    What a stud! Congrats!
  2. big+tall+mass

    1st Matched Set

    Or maybe the last matched set of the year! Haha. I almost drove right over these on a gravel road while working on 12/21. Suppose he just jumped the fence and stood on the edge of the road for a bit and they fell off!? And maybe some stress to go along with it. Earliest I've found a set...
  3. big+tall+mass

    Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

    Guess if they can "lose" early ballots they can just as easily "lose" the ballots on election day. If our counties are that corrupt we've got bigger things to worry about.
  4. big+tall+mass

    Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

    I'm not a fan of mail-in voting or voting on election day so today I voted in person at my courthouse. It's nice they have it open from 10/5 - 11/2; gives people plenty of time to get it done.
  5. big+tall+mass

    I killed Sleepy Joe

    Success yet again, damn you're consistent! Congrats man. Helluva buck!
  6. big+tall+mass

    Updated 2020 new pond thread

    Wow! That is awesome. Rates in our county are $2.50 /cu. yd. But 90% cost share makes that a steal! Looking forward to see it completed.
  7. big+tall+mass

    Pond cams

    Awesome! Thanks. My kids are excited to put one up!
  8. big+tall+mass

    Pond cams

    Very cool pics! Thank you for sharing! Just curious, how do you have your camera set up/what do you have it mounted to? I'm planning on doing this on our pond.
  9. big+tall+mass


    Just put in a 1,250 gallon pre-cast tank with 3 - 100' laterals for $6800 in November. This was with 180' of pvc to get from the house to the tank.
  10. big+tall+mass

    Advice on potential crp acres

    It could also be under a CP4D OR CPE8C. I like how you have it laid out. Which way do you/can you access this from?
  11. big+tall+mass

    Advice on potential crp acres

    It sounds like a CP3A Hardwood tree planting of 3 or more species (will get you 50 points) See this link for more information: https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/conservation-programs/conservation-reserve-program/index The CRP General EBI fact sheet is very helpful.
  12. big+tall+mass

    The buck named Carter- 10-03-2019

    Great story and great buck! Enjoy it and thanks for sharing!
  13. big+tall+mass

    Another survivor buck story inspired to share by Sligh's story

    Great story and amazing deer! I'll say 193.
  14. big+tall+mass

    “Bullet Hole Buck” 2 to 3 & recovery pics...

    Wow! Barely can see the wound this year, and he looks quite healthy. Can't wait to see what he does next year!
  15. big+tall+mass

    Archery buck

    Very nice! Way to stick it out. It sounds almost exactly like my season, but a much better ending!
  16. big+tall+mass

    Busted pond

    I'm guessing this area doesn't have much drainage area. Depending on how much you want to spend, you may just want to go with the bentonite as a cheaper option for now; it may indeed solve the issue.
  17. big+tall+mass

    Busted pond

    It most likely needs a core trench under the dam (NRCS specs are at least 4' deep x 10' wide below original ground). This is to ensure the water doesn't leak out or at least reduce the chances of it leaking. Any signs of sand or sand vanes should be dug out. Filling the trench back in and...
  18. big+tall+mass

    Pollinator Plantings - CP42

    Broadcast then culti-pack or no-till drill. Both work great.
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