Yep, I want more pockets in it this time with some more diversity to open it up a little more. My first planting was 10#/acre CIR and it got way to think for the deer IMO. I am gonna do 6# CIR and 2# kanlow this time. Wanted to add something else but if I can't spray it and leave it go its not...
I want to plant a mix of switch, big blue, and Indian grass. Can Atrazine be used on Indian grass its first year pre emergence? The label only talks about using it on established stands.
If you planted your rye in the fall it should be good and tall in spring for fawns. Then come May you could till it under and plant Milo for the birds and deer.
I lost all my peach two winters ago and now a couple of the new ones I planted are already starting to look like yours. I suspect they will be dead in a year or two. I am about done with peach, just not hardy enough in Iowa. Sucks because I love eating them.
Depending on temps, let it warm up good and around mid to end of april spray it. Plant in May, if you have a notill drill just plant, otherwise you will have to work up ground if your going to broadcast.
I would do what you planned but plant beans in it after your first kill. Then you can spray it again when beans are up and still have a summer food source for deer. Then you can till beans under and start rotation.
Dont go crazy with the hinging. My last farm became to thick to even walk through, even for deer to some extent. I have a fresh slate now, I will be doing more pockets rather than a 40 acre chunk. Diversity is key, deer are lazy and need open timber to travel in, it cant all be bedding area...
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