Those filson bibs look sweet, probably worth the money. Buddy has the Pnuma gear hunting pants and they seem pretty tough and they have lifetime warranty. I just wear my Duluth firehose pants when I go bird hunting and wear them at work. They’ve lasted 5-6 years so far w/ no holes yet.
Congratulations, always nice to get the one you’re after and have history with. And with your daughter, makes it even better. Awesome job!
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Wait til this weekend and choose the area with higher deer #’s that gets the most pressure surrounding it. Sit tight and wait for deer to get bumped towards you.
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Wow that’s a huge jump from 2 - 3. Wish all the little 2 yr olds on our farm made that jump. Should be a fun one to track next few years
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Way to grind it out. it all paid off with a beauty of a buck. Looks like a great shot as well from 41 yards. Impressive. Congrats!
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Lone wolf assault and 4 lone wolf sticks. Have molle backpack straps and belt strapped to the stand that makes it a lot more enjoyable to haul in a ways. Attached to the stand is a small lightweight backpack. I just hang that on the teeth of the stand and it stays pretty secure.
One thing I...
Saturday morning,afternoon setups. Then Sunday evening sit. Eventually a mature buck will come by. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway....
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Sat on cut corn field last night 11/18. Best hunt so far. Had 5 does and bunch of yearlings out early with 3 little bucks and one 3.5 yr old 9 pt chasing one of the does all over. Saw a big mature 10 pt at noon out cruising. Think the next week will be best week of rut.
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Hunted a fence row Sunday afternoon usually produces a fair share of sightings this time of year. To the north is corn as far as you can see and to the south is crp. To the west is more corn. Probably 7-800 acres still in around the farm I hunt. Don’t think that’s helping any.
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Slow for me in eastern Iowa. Small bucks out cruising and making rubs and scrapes. Did see one mature buck tonight running after a doe hard. But he was way out of range. Things should be picking up this week.
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One buck on my way to the stand this morning in the dark. Rattled in busted up 8 pt around 10:30 then nothing. Sat till about 12:30
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I love my black gold sight. The pins are brightest I’ve seen and the sight is tough. I slipped and fell on some ice on the way back to my truck one night and landed on my bow and the sight took the brunt of my fall. Shot it next day and didn’t even move. I have the Ascent 3 pin, keep it at 20...
Posting this up finally!
Shot this tom with my bow first Saturday of the season. Set up in the middle of an alfalfa field where usually one or two hang every year. Got set up really early, train went by 30 minutes later and this one chain gobbled about 20 times in a row. Flew down fairly early...
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