Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 203ntyp

    What's next for Republicans?

    Agree, this was always a whitetail hunting and management site which has gone off course.
  2. 203ntyp

    What's next for Republicans?

    Maybe you should fact check instead of just reading or watching what appeals to you. The link below explains how Trump set Biden up for the withdrawal. Both parties flip-flop on hot issues just to get a vote, right now both parties suck! I'd love to go back to the Reagan years! Even though when...
  3. 203ntyp

    What's next for Republicans?

    So what do people think about Trump's latest PR stunt at Arlington Cemetary? One of the most disgraceful things yet about our veterans! Someone needs to remind him there are 0ver 18 million vets and yet he continues to put them down and ignore Arlington's rules so he can make a TikTok video...
  4. 203ntyp

    Deer Reacting to Cell Cams

    I agree Bucksnbears! All the mature buck pics I get they stare at the cameras if they are in cover or edge of, maybe not as much if out in the open but they know. I get an idea of what's around but after the 1st pics of a mature buck in mid to late August or in May/early April, they tend to...
  5. Wide Glide.JPG

    Wide Glide.JPG

  6. 203ntyp

    Earliest Velvet Shed

    Same in the northeast, couple hard horned as of last week. Spring came early this year and everything seems a couple weeks earlier.
  7. 203ntyp

    24-25 Team Contest Sign Up

    7. 203ntyp Just for the fun of it!
  8. 203ntyp

    What's next for Republicans?

    I agree with that 100%
  9. 203ntyp

    Gideon Lee Walker

    Thought Skip would post something like that, not JNRBronc! Great pics and an adorable young lad Curtis. Looks like a great trapping partner, hope I live long enough to see his catches ;)
  10. 203ntyp

    2024 Summer Buck pics

    As usual, the bachelor group of mature bucks showed back up mid-August like most years where I hunt. Some are hard horn, most still in velvet.
  11. HD buck 2.JPG

    HD buck 2.JPG

  12. HD Buck pics.JPG

    HD Buck pics.JPG

  13. 203ntyp

    Its 77*, windy and 100% full sun yet

    49 degrees here this morning! Haven't seen much deer activity until last evening and this morning, cams have been sending in pics all morning. Might have more to do with photoperiodism than the moon but only the deer know for sure?
  14. 203ntyp

    Ugly, ugly doe

    Still not sure if this is from Botflies, cutaneous fibroma? Looks like it's bigger...
  15. IMAG0001.JPG


  16. 203ntyp

    Most expensive mouse trap I’ve bought

    Had to chuckle with that one. When I started trapping when I was 10 years old, I felt the fur buyer was cheating me. So decided to learn how to skin all my furs and sell them that way. I practiced on "mice" :rolleyes: If you can skin a mouse without damaging you've mastered the process ;) and...
  17. 203ntyp

    Warning to the dads of young girls...

    Unfortunately, my kids are grown but the memories of hunting and fishing where the best time I had with them. I have 3 grandsons; one wants to hunt but they live in Florida. The love shooting bows, at least that rubbed off on them.
  18. 203ntyp

    Need rain bad

    The year started out great in PA where I live, spring was almost 3 weeks early and good rain. Those who got the corn in late April have decent corn but those who didn't won't have much yield. We had a half an inch the month of July thus far, ground cracking here too, haven't had to mow for 3 weeks!
  19. 203ntyp

    FISHING ‘24! GO!

    Nice, when's the fish fry?
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