Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. IQDM


    The right mood and the right personality.... each deer is different, but on the safe side Grunting is the way to go if they are in your sight... You can see their reactions and it makes it much easier to play the situation. horns can bite you in the butt if you are within view of the deer... he...
  2. IQDM

    Cougar/Buck Trail Cam Pic??

    I got that picture and the sender said it was from wisconsin... not even close! I'm learing that you really cant believe 90% of the stuff that are in e-mails these days!
  3. IQDM

    Edge Feathering and bedding areas

    Thanks, yeah I dont have very many places on my property where I can put switch and from what I read and hear from everyone is that switch is pretty much the best of the best for keeping deer on your property. So I was trying to come up with ways to get some.... I'll post an aeral photo of our...
  4. IQDM

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    Here is a picture of some RRcorn and beans on our land in Wisconsin
  5. IQDM

    Edge Feathering and bedding areas

    dbltree - if you had a an area of hickory or some kind of tree that doesnt regenerate quickly, have you ever considered frost seeding switchgrass in that area to create some thick cover quicker? I am thinking about doing that to a couple spots in my land in just a few smaller openings (small...
  6. IQDM

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    How do you add photos to threads without having that picture already online? cant I just add it from my documents? I have some good pictures of soybeans planted between corn but I cant seem to get them on here? whats the fast way to upload them onto threads?
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