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  1. IQDM


    I did a similar project this spring with my oak savanna... I did the best I could to clear all the junk trees out so there would be more light entering the woods... Then I planted half the woods in CIR switchgrass and half in little bluestem. Before After These pictures just give...
  2. IQDM

    Tree Planting

    awesome stuff! I just ordered a bunch of rootmaker products from BigRockTrees and am excited to put them to work! I am especially excited to try planting chestnuts. If I were to buy or find some seed, when would I want to plant them in the rootmakers? and would I start them in the 18 cell tray...
  3. IQDM

    Native Warm Season Grass

    I'm still a NWSG rookie so i need some help with these... The first one I think is Big Bluestem...? and is this second one Switchgrass? there is some of this popping up where i sprayed the oust... There is native seed in wisconsin soil after all! :) Sorry, the pictures are sort of blurry...
  4. IQDM

    Tree Planting

    I am still waiting for my trees to arrive so we went to work on "fixing up" some neglected trees from last years planting. I sprayed oust and princip on the spruce trees last year, but I some how forgot to spray this row of mixed trees... some red dogwood, hybrid poplar, red cedar, and white...
  5. IQDM


    Dbltree, awhile back, you said that you might try using oust xp as an establishment year spray for switchgrass? did you end up doing that this year? I am interested to find out how that works out! especially since I have whole bottle of oust xp just waiting to nuke some unsuspecting weeds!
  6. IQDM

    Edge Feathering and bedding areas

    great! Hinge cutting is the one thing that I have never done... I have done food plots for years and learned alot about NWSG this winter. I planted a few acres of NWSG this early spring and now i'm on to hinge cutting! I am climbing the ladder one step at a time, each project is one step closer...
  7. IQDM

    Edge Feathering and bedding areas

    Can a person hinge cut year round? or do the trees need to be dormant?
  8. IQDM

    Habitat Contest

    Here are some progression pictures of the "Oak Savanna" project Only time will tell if there is enough light getting through for the little bluestem to grow!
  9. IQDM

    Edge Feathering and bedding areas

    HA HA hopefully this doesn't turn into a TL discussion, but I would have to agree!
  10. IQDM

    Habitat Contest

    Here is a burn I did yesterday
  11. IQDM

    Oak Savannas

    Thanks for the Info!
  12. IQDM

    Oak Savannas

    well I seperated the two plantings... CIR in the more open back half and Little blue in the more shaded front half. I guess we can only wait and see how they do in the shade... I'll keep you guys updated
  13. IQDM

    Oak Savannas

    is the point of a oak savanna to let the baby bur oaks grow up through the grass? If so, how do I protect them from becoming char-grilled oaks when I burn?
  14. IQDM

    Oak Savannas

    I did not treat any stumps... I was in such a hurry to get it seed ready I guess I just plain forgot. It is right behind my house so I will be able to keep an eye on the regrowth with out having to venture through it too much. Spot spraying and burns should keep them at bay i'm hoping. otherwise...
  15. IQDM

    Oak Savannas

    My oak savanna project is going well too... My house is on one end of our property and right behind it we have a oak knowl with a food plot in it... I decided to try a savanna here this year and see how it goes before I savanna'ize any of our other knowls. This is what it looked like before...
  16. IQDM


    Thanks guys... My feelings are that this stuff is better than the Reed canary grass which is surrounding it, but I would rather have CIR or Prairie Cordgrass so I will be burning this whole area including this tall stuff and converting it to NWSG next spring. Thanks again for your help!
  17. IQDM


  18. IQDM


    I took a few pictures of the seed heads... I also walked every trail through this stuff and found a couple beds. The area is probally only 50yds long by 30yds wide. I almost think I should keep the stuff but what are your feelings about keeping an invasive?
  19. IQDM

    Oak Savannas

    Due to the excelent weather we are having here in Wisconsin I have started my Oak Savanna project and hope to have it done by friday when the rain/snow comes! I was wondering what the prefered grass to plant in my oak savanna would be?
  20. IQDM

    Native Warm Season Grass

    what about statifying the seed by getting it wet and keeping it in the fridge for a few weeks then planting it when the area dries up? do I need to dry out the seed before I plant it then?
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