He owns SatcomDirect and his farms are in Monroe county. Net worth is like 87 million. People with that kind of money don’t like being told no and they can buy whatever they want such as our legislators. He lives in Florida for tax reasons of course.
Stalking? With today’s apps I have been all over the state seeing who owns what where. For someone that likes to stir the crap out of the pot on here with everyone what’s wrong with someone calling him out for lying? I didn’t believe that he had no NR in his area either. How many times has he...
I don’t know where your farm is at and on what side of the state and I will believe you because I don’t live there. but I have a hard time wrapping my head around this fact . This is certainly not the case in most of of south central and south east Iowa sections known for deer hunting.
I can see why it would be hard to figure out exactly what is owned by non residents for Rec ground. What is considered Rec ground? According to the lease companies anything in southern Iowa with a tree or a ditch on it that a deer might wander through at some point. We have ground in Davis and...
Well I guess what I’m saying again this is just my opinion you would need to own 2 of those 80 acre parcels to get those tags. My immediate family owns quite a bit of ground and in different entities but by Iowa law only one of us is allowed to get a landowner tag every year. But if this goes...
I know as hard as they are pushing NR tags it’s probably going to happen one of these days just like crossbows during archery and high powers unfortunately . In my personal opinion if this does ever happen the minimum for acreage should be at least 160 acres. If not large acreages will be cut...
And if every non resident was judged by your replies and posts on here most of them would not be welcome on the site or in the state. Move here or leave it alone. Everyone knew the laws when they bought ground here. For example : If I could go buy a farm in Montana and not live there and get a...
Looks like you have a damn good accountant if somehow you can write food plots, cameras, travel and everything else for your farm off. I thought we had good accountants lol
Besides maybe crop expenses which you get back and and hopefully make a profit on I am dying to know what you spend 40-50k per year average on your farm? Per your figures you’ve spent on the low end 700k on improvements? I would forget Iowa and hunt all over the world if I was spending that.
I went to one but don’t feel the need to ever attend one again. You can voice your opinion but don’t fool yourself thinking its ever going to make a difference in the scheme of things. Kind of like most politics these days. Half the people it seemed from the sites wanted high powers and...
I would try and chat with some people that have been out to Idaho in recent years. I have heard the population is way way down and hunting is tough due to wolves . Can anyone else chime in on that?
I love all the positive comments coming out and minds changing in this thread about tracking dogs . I have personally wanted this for a long time and hope it gets some backing this time around. Some things will never change with trespassing unless the penalties become way more serious or costly...
I’m very for this bill to finally go through. With our lax trespass laws I don’t agree with the argument that people will use this as a loophole to trespass when they normally wouldn’t.
maybe not your immediate neighbors but the amount of NR landowners around you would obviously surprise you. Well I guess most of them probably are “residents” so you might be right
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