Young bucks pushing does around early this morning. Been totally dead since about 8:30 for me. Definitely not the full moon mid day movement that i was hoping for!
I have two target bucks this year. One of them visited scrape two days ago in daylight. The other visited a scrape 4x the past week all at night. Wrong winds for me to hunt them this weekend!
Is it too late to seed white clover right now? Better off frost seeding late winter/early spring? I have some fire breaks around new crp and got a fairly poor stand of clover. I just mowed the fire breaks and was wondering if i should broadcast more clover seed now.
Thanks for the reply. The soil will likely be erodible but not much draining to it so should not get too much velocity. Mowing wont be good option due to slopes and intermixed trees. Spraying would need to be backpack sprayer but that might be doable. Total area is about 2.5-3ac. I had...
I have a forestry mulcher at my farm cleaning up a very thick and overgrown hillside. The trees are fairly small and growing so thick and close together that no deer would ever want to use it. Remaining trees will be mixed cedar, oak, walnut, and a few hickory. The mulcher is...
I have a few questions on the doubletree mix from those of you that have used it:
1) I am getting ready to place an order from Welters for seed. Looks like they have Austrian Winter Peas and Survivor Winter Peas, they advertise that the Survivor builds more nitrogen but don't know which the...
For sale a slightly used 3 point Genesis 3 no till drill. I bought this as a demo unit and have owned for just over a year (bought in spring 2021 and planted spring 2021 and 2022). It should have around 12-14 acres of use is all. I am going up to a larger drill since I have a large enough...
I am thinking about getting a genesis 5 drill and debating between the HD and the Lite model. I think my tractor would probably handle the 5HD but i much prefer the lite model for hauling the tractor/drill on a trailer. Will the 5 lite model without the optional cutters do ok in true no till...
JBohn, i have a Genesis 3 that i was thinking about selling and moving up to the 5. Mine has about 10 acres of planting is all. I have a 5000 series 65hp tractor and started to do more plots scattered around a much larger area so thinking about the 5’ model. Not sure how many acres you plot...
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