I laughed out loud at that part too. Whenever they use "filters" on thier pictures on their phones it always makes his teeth a LOT BIGGER.
Probably why his brother pointed that out. LOL
Well now that my boys can't get after the deer with their bows since season is over for 8 months they are getting creative.
Amazes me what kids can do with technology. Maybe they will teach me sometime how to do all of the fancy editing.
I am starting to ponder if they are watching way to many...
Shocks me Iowa isn’t the same as MO. Iowa seems to be stricter on a lot of other things.
Most people here in MO would let you look for a deer. Guys that would fake a wounded deer so they can bust through your honey hole to push deer out are complete dirt bags IMHO.
There are three kinds of lies in this world.
Damn lies.
And statistics.
Data and science can be collected, used, ignored, and manipulated. Hence the third and worst kind of lie... statistics.
That is a recent article. I am going off of an article I read 20+ years ago about many people in OH IN IL TN area that were frequent squirrel brain eaters that had cjd.
CWD help is on the way!!! Or at least it was. But surely more will wander in.
Yes I think that studies should continue.
I doubt they test every single beef slaughtered. Ponder that undertaking for a second.
Thirdly I once read(on the interesting LOL) that part of being kosher meat was that no bones were cut and only deboned meat used. May be hogwash May be true. It...
So we should worry more about eating deer than beef? Mad cow has infected humans. CWD not yet.
How do we not know that millions of cattle aren’t processed for human consumption everyday that may have mad cow disease?
Why are some hell bent on making CWD scary enough to get people to quit deer...
In reality Alzheimer’s is CWD. You go plumb stupid and waste away. My mother has went from 165 lbs - 82 lbs.
More food for thought is that CWD is a tool being used by the “balance of nature” crowd. They want wolves in all 48 states. Think I am off my rocker? The CWD biologists are already...
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