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  1. jflournoy

    Real estate commission lawsuit - changes coming!!?!?!

    Only speaking for myself here, but the time prior to the listing going live when realtors are actually allowed to reach out to buyers directly is the time you're trying to find a buyer directly that will come through the listing agent, not through another buyers agent. Other buyers agents see...
  2. jflournoy

    Real estate commission lawsuit - changes coming!!?!?!

    Personally, I'm not sure there's really going to be all that much change, but it's early days and there's a lot of confusion about the details right now. Anyone who says they're sure "this" is going to happen or "that" is going to happen is someone you probably shouldn't listen to. May be a few...
  3. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Definitely. Loaded with deer and turkey.:)
  4. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Pretty low quality ag ground at 38 csr2 for one of the parcels and a little better 47 csr2 for the other one (the 2 parcels that made up the 232.84 acres). And they were being farmed organic so probably not the "cleanest" looking and didn't show as well. I don't know the market in that area of...
  5. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    The 40's (and the 80's) are more valuable per acre because they're simply affordable to a larger pool of buyers. I don't disagree with you that all the breaking up of large acreages eventually means the quality of hunting goes down, but for a lot of guys there's a big difference between hunting...
  6. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Definitely true in the vast majority of cases. Though occasionally if it's a super special farm or is an unusually large contiguous landholding for the area, sometimes that will cause it to actually sell for a premium. But best to figure in most cases that a smaller pool of legit buyers = buyer...
  7. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Yep, no different than Californian's moving to the Rockies states and Texas and buying houses and land that seem "cheap" for their income and what they were used to in California.
  8. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    If you want to say that the increased demand for land had some connection with the economic forces that started the money supply on a strong inflationary upswing (money printing as a result of COVID), then I'd agree with you there. But I think the primary driver of the rise in land prices is...
  9. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    I'm no economist, but I think you're only half right. Dollars *are* becoming less valuable, but land *is* also getting more expensive. Inflated dollars don't increase the *demand* for land, but *demand* for land could definitely contribute to inflation over time. When demand outstrips supply...
  10. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Just my opinion, but I believe all the money printed during Covid for PPP and just that was given to individuals has a direct correlation to the land market shooting up. Did inflation happen at the same time, yeah, but inflation didn't drive *demand* up to crazy levels all of a sudden.
  11. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    I can't answer this definitively, but I'll just say I talked recently to 2 lenders who do a lot of lending for rec/hunting farms in southern Iowa and they both said that new loan applications for those type of purchases had been super slow for some months now. So I'm guessing that the majority...
  12. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    I'm not going to call your expertise as a lender into question, and I definitely agree that land price increases have outrun incomes in the last few years. The southern Iowa hunting land market in particular feels like a bubble that is being mostly propped up right now still by a small segment...
  13. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

  14. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Love it! :cool: My wife and I have always agreed that a vehicle is a mode of transportation to get us from point "a" to point "b" safely and in one piece. We've never looked at vehicles as some sort of financial status symbol. My work truck is a 15 year old Tundra I bought 3 years ago with low...
  15. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    I agree, there are a lot of people who complain about land prices and drive a fancy truck, eat out all the time, spend who knows how much on chewing tobacco/alcohol/cigs, always have to buy a new bow every year or two, and walk around the woods decked out in $1k worth of camo. Some disconnect...
  16. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Indeed. I remember a listing in early 2021 that was around 4% if you did a hunting lease too. It was unusual then, but seems like ancient history now. And besides, most people aren't buying a hunting/combo farm to lease the hunting out to *someone else*!
  17. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Not sure your source for the $6,410 average value, think that is probably high for majority crp land in southern tier Iowa counties if we're talking about actual recent sales vs. list prices. That said, it's still way high in reality and there's a reason it's tough to find pretty much anything...
  18. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    You took the words right out of my mouth. That land is priced that way for a home building site close to Des Moines. Not for hunting or row crop.
  19. jflournoy

    Land prices / insane!!!

    Getting more and more difficult to determine what is a "reasonable price".
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