Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Jordan46

    New to adding pictures

    I use imgur.com for hosting the pictures and then using html [img] tags to post them
  2. Jordan46

    Thoughts on age?

    I was thinking at least 4.5. and maybe 130s
  3. Jordan46

    Where are all the doves?

    I was checking trail cameras last on saturday and I can count the number of doves I busted up walking the edge of a corn field at about noon
  4. Jordan46

    Digging up some Concordia Oaks tomorrow!!

    Looked around and couldnt find anything for sale. Had hopes since Id be down in st louis this weekend
  5. Jordan46

    Mineral Site ?

    State wide but we only have a law against baiting and the law is pretty vague about what is considered baiting the deer. Most of the tv guys just dont hunt right off the mineral site
  6. Jordan46

    Hornady SST 300 gr & Federal BOR Lock

    I always had really good luck with the powerbelts out of my "Chinese build a gun" muzzle loader kit but when I bought a traditions I had to switch been using the ssts but just tired of the poor performance.
  7. Jordan46

    Digging up some Concordia Oaks tomorrow!!

    Bummer wouldnt mind getting a couple of these trees
  8. Jordan46

    Hornady SST 300 gr & Federal BOR Lock

    I agree. I have even had powerbelts knock a deer down. There wasnt one time where I didnt have to track a deer with shooting ssts. Going to try the barnes this year
  9. Jordan46

    Digging up some Concordia Oaks tomorrow!!

    Anywhere to buy the acorns?
  10. Jordan46

    Homemade Ozone Tote

    Yes ozone will break down materials, but you should be able to run this for a few minutes and leave the clothes sit in the tub for about half hour before you put them on and you shouldnt have any issue
  11. Jordan46

    Mineral Site ?

    Im not sure if there is a regulation on how far down you must go. Maybe contact some dnr officers and ask them. If you can it might be easier to buy a tiller and till the ground to make the shoveling easier
  12. Jordan46

    Homemade Ozone Tote

    Its best not to be sealed as these types of units need fresh oxygen to generate the ozone
  13. Jordan46

    Mineral Site ?

    Not worth the risk. Do the hard work and dig it out or see if you can get someone with a loader to do it
  14. Jordan46

    Ozonics...want opinions from those who own, or have tried the product.

    These devices shouldn't be used in a closed space where you will be occupying. I never understood why people did that. The best use for ozone gens is to put them in a partially sealed tub with your hunting clothes
  15. Jordan46

    Age score

    3.5 Id let him walk another year or two
  16. Jordan46

    Whitetail Adrenaline

    trailer looks interesting. Wish I could just rent and stream it somewhere though
  17. Jordan46

    Really cool website for checking wind directions

    Im sure it doesnt give you any detail on if the ground wind is swirling a certain way because of the terrain, but it should be accurate enough to decide if its worth going to sit in a certain stand
  18. Jordan46

    Really cool website for checking wind directions

    Found this cool site that can help you figure out the general wind direction of your hunting area https://www.windyty.com
  19. Jordan46

    Under Armor

    Under armour probably wouldnt even have hunting clothes if the owner of the company wasnt a big hunter himself. Heres Joe Rogan and Cam discussing this whole thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0L5SU1wpok&feature=youtu.be#t=36m44s
  20. Jordan46

    Bows and accessories for sale

    Are the bows left handed?
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