Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. nontyp

    Mule deer hunting

    Also, just read and listen to some guys who consistently kill big bucks on public easy to draw tags. Randy Ulmer, Brian Barney, Brady Miller, Tony Trietch are a few that come to mind.
  2. nontyp

    Mule deer hunting

    Colorado. do a bunch of research and pick up a tag off of the leftover list. Any tags <5 points get put on a leftover list that are first come first serve. Colorado is a place where big ones can come from any unit. In order to chase big ones diy, with 0 points that is your best bet. If you...
  3. nontyp

    Western hunt ideas

    Elk can be done as a first hunt, but in order to have success you better start learning and researching now. September timeframe you would mostly be looking at archery, but some areas in colorado can be drawn for muzzleloader with 0 points. keep in mind colorado has strict muzz rules, no scope...
  4. nontyp

    Got it done in Colorado. OTC Archery

    Grind it out man! Good Luck!
  5. nontyp

    The buck named Carter- 10-03-2019

    Well done sir! Awesome buck!
  6. nontyp

    Hunting WY

    The statement after it says “OR” is the key. Pretty much the same law that most states have adopted now. Just can’t transport spinal or brain tissue over state lines. Remove the brain tissue and clean the head up at camp and you are good to go. Throw the scraps in a trash bag and dispose of...
  7. nontyp

    Got it done in Colorado. OTC Archery

    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I would rather not give the unit since it’s OTC. I will say the number of hunters is very intimidating in Colorado, until you realize most people don’t step foot off the roads and trails. These bulls were 6-7 miles from the atv.
  8. nontyp

    Got it done in Colorado. OTC Archery

    This was the first time we’ve hunted CO, but we have hunted elk in other states the past 2 years.
  9. nontyp

    Got it done in Colorado. OTC Archery

    Congrats to your son! Yes all public diy.
  10. nontyp

    Got it done in Colorado. OTC Archery

    Well after 7 days of grinding it out sweating, getting soaked by rain and busting through thick brush, it all came together in the last couple hours of the hunt. It rained a decent amount 5 of our 7 days, had a full moon, and daytime heat, and hunters were Everywhere. Here is how it went down...
  11. B10EC5E7-8455-4634-9631-4731487B03E4


  12. A6B24262-2CB3-4545-9AA9-84C39EE4407D


  13. ABEBC7DD-F4D2-400D-9141-93EA94874EDB


  14. nontyp

    November greens?

    What type of radishes do you guys have the best luck with?
  15. nontyp

    Where to buy rye?

    Where do you guys buy cereal rye? do most coops carry it as cover crop seed?
  16. nontyp

    Northeast Iowa vs. Southern Iowa deer hunting.....thoughts, ideas and experiences?

    Have to agree. It’s crazy how much areas can vary in deer abundance and quality that are just a few miles away. We have a guy that lives 2 miles from our farm that stopped hunting cause he doesn’t think deer numbers are high enough, yet we have lots of deer and usually try to harvest 20 or so...
  17. nontyp

    Disappointing summer

    Damn...that thing is a brute.
  18. nontyp

    NR draw results

    Zone 11? Does that exist?
  19. nontyp


    Shhh....don’t tell everyone. Yeah i don’t know if it’s just the media pumping up iowa or what, but for a public land hunter I think you would have a much better hunt in Kansas. I live in kansas now but have hunted Iowa my whole life. Both are good. Iowa is better for me because I have...
  20. nontyp


    Some good points made here. Ultimately hunting out of state is a luxury item. Not everyone is going to be able to afford it. If you want to hunt the best unit in the best state it is going to be expensive. Just wait until the point creep starts kicking in. units that take 4 points now will...
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