If you look over the last 40 yrs how many " corrections" have actually happend ? You can wait your life away waiting for a bargin on land!!! I have several friends who are " still waiting " to buy land !!!! A couple have given up the dream !
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Nope looks about right! Now days your buying a lot more for personal enjoyment vs the investment aspect of it ! Land is like stocks . Get in early and potential for big gains are there buy when prices are higher and yes you can see gains but percentages are much lower . My 2 cents!
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I would recommend against a pull behind un my experience when full if your ground/trails are un even they like to tip over being top heavy! And expensive as fertilizer is now that would suck!!!!
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Super nice 6ft planting width grain drill with large and small seed boxes and setting chart for large box. Asking 2850 located near centerville iowa.
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Got a pair of hang on stands im selling older i get less i use hang ons! Pair for 50 bucks ! One has chain attach other has strap.
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Dam i know the feeling !!! Lots of time left i usually dont plant this early ! Just trying 1 plot as long as conditions were good!!
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Timing is everything!! Saw this coming this morning and hauled ass down to farm and got a brassica plot seeded just in time!!
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I think your missing my point ! Just the pics thats it no way of knowing who posted them! So they cant be connected to any member!! Totaly anonymous!!!!!
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It amazes me how many on here are deathly afraid to post summer/fall buck pics on here for fear of someone sneaking in and shooting "there" deer on there farm !! Is it possible to create a anonymous pic thread ???? Im sure lots of people would love to see some of the giants the guys on here have...
Better in the ground and growing verses waiting and no rain for couple of weeks! Plenty of ground moisture this yr! Im doing same thing!!
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