Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. B

    HF 2118 Protects wolves, black bears and mountain lions

    I hate bills like these. They always start with predators to get the ball rolling. I was also under the impression you currently couldn't shoot a wolf or a bear
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    Wooltimate, Berber, or Similar

    Have the Scheels Bib and Jacket set. Got them on sale for 75 a piece a few years ago. That's all I wear late season on the ground and it does its job. Plenty warm and cuts the wind. In a tree I will wear it also until it is brutal and I need a HBS to make the long sits comfortable. Temperature...
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    War on coyotes!!!

    Snoop around on the Trapperman archives or Iowa Trapper Talk forums. Trapperman has some national legends on there but it has become more of a good ol boys club as of late. ITT is full of helpful people and lots of people who stack fur
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    Xop vanish evolution

    I've got 2 XOPs and they are a good stand
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    I’ve created a monster!!!

    Awesome to see Skip. If he needs any recommendations let me know. I think I read every outdoor related book possible in both the school and town library.
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    SF 2011 Youth Season Deer Tag Sales

    In the past we have had 2 youths that would go shotgun season with us. If they didn't fill their tag during shotgun we'd offer to take them late muzzy. They were always super busy with school activities during the actual youth season to get out and more than once their dad spaced off buying the...
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    11th Hour Buck

    That's a hoss! Congrats on a dandy
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    Mineral question

    I use loose mineral. I was worried about rain with them but it either evaporates or the deer drink it. Dug up a couple pics I had saved. The black spot is one of the tubs I was using. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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    Mineral question

    I use old plastic lick tubs left over from cows. The ones with the shorter sides. Deer don't seem to mind
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    2021 Trapline

    Next on the list is a red fox or a coyote. Might hang some snares after deer season but might have to wait til next year for those 2. Until then we will keep running some conibears, do some coon calling and then hit spring beavers when it warms up
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    2021 Trapline

    Got another first today. Braved the cold to check our conibears this morning and another furbearer has been checked off the list and gonna get sent to the tannery. Little man was so pumped when we rolled up. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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    Problems with dogs...any advice?

    Hanging legal coyote snares on private property would not give trappers any bad press. If the dogs are not supposed to be there that is no ones problem but the dog owners.
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    Problems with dogs...any advice?

    Have you contacted the local CO? Maybe he could spend some extra time in the area
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    Barnes Spitfire MZ bullets

    I use the TMZ and seem to have had great luck with expansion and performance on all shots near and far. Not sure if the tip makes that much of a difference or I've just been lucky
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    New guy from Sask

    Yup Kaare used to be a big contributor here. I now follow him on IG. Welcome aboard. Are you strictly whitetails or is there mule deer and bears around for ya to chase? Or moose or elk
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.
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    Hunting over food

    Speaking from personal experience, with the Temps were having and the pressure the deer have been getting, I'd ditch the field. Get in the timber somewhere closer to cover. I'm sure they're hitting the corn but well after dark would be my guess
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    Chest cavity pics, what causes this?

    Have been told same as it being a respiratory deal. Give that deer a rapid Abbott test
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    Law question- discharge of wounded deer after dark

    I know Jake had am instance but I know Winke did as well. I'll see if I can dig up Winkes post about it
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    Law question- discharge of wounded deer after dark

    I know this has been talked about before. The one instance that sticks out to me is when Winke laid out in the woods all night waiting for one to take its last breath and keep the coyotes away. I thought in that instance instance officer said he wished he would have called to either give Bill...
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