Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Husker

    Bow shop

    NCS in Prairie du Chien. Chad is expanding all the time with new lines.
  2. Husker

    Dicks continues to step on their.......

    Alienating a large portion of outdoor consumers just feels like a poor business model... but I have only ever bought a baseball bat from them years ago. That was before they banned AR-bats sales to anyone under 40.....:D
  3. Husker

    When do you guys pull your cameras?

    Run mine year round...but I have nothing better to do....
  4. Husker

    Bushnell B16

    I have 2 Bushnell B12's that I have had no issues with for 2+ years and also bought a B16 from Cabela's at the same price... just hung the camera on Saturday afternoon. After the disappointment from the Muddy cams this has to be an improvement....
  5. Husker

    Muddy Pro Cam 14

    Here is the letter I got from Muddy... when I replied to it they referred me to the vendor... Please read and complete the info letter below. This will speed up the process for me to help you out or get you new cameras if need be. Try the troubleshooting tips and pay particular...
  6. Husker

    Muddy Pro Cam 14

    I ordered two cameras and tried them out... didn't have good luck , contacted L&M Supply and they exchanged them for me. Put both new camera's on the same tree as one of my Bushnell's, the Bushnell took 387 pictures, the Muddy's... 19 & 21 pictures. Called L&M and they will be sending a call...
  7. Husker

    2018 Turkey Contest - sign up

    Husker & elscott11 are in...
  8. Husker

    Who is traveling to hunt birds?

    At home here in Wisconsin, Nebraska first week of May, maybe Kansas if time permits...
  9. Husker

    2018 Turkey Contest - sign up

    I'm in if someone wants to team up w/ me!!
  10. Husker

    need turkey primary wing feathers

    I'm collecting wings to make wingbone calls, I should be able to get you a BUNCH..... I'll be in touch after season.
  11. Husker

    DSD Submissive Hen

    Thanks for the heads up.. ordered one for me & one for our NWTF banquet!!
  12. Husker

    Longbow Bird

    Nice work Jay!!! Great bird and picture as always.... The lifestyle changes you have made look good on you!!
  13. Husker

    1st Season Double

    A buddy & I doubled up this morning when a obnoxious, loud, yappy, just wouldn't shut up hen (that's me!!!) pissed off the lead hen. So she brought the rest of the gang and 3 longbeards ventured into the decoys, 1 got to leave. Great Hunt. Mine was 22#, 10" beard, 7/8" spurs.. Jeff's was 18#...
  14. Husker

    1 or 2 bags of RR beans

    Our NWTF chapter will have RR beans for $20 a bag. I'm not sure exactly when we will get them but if your going to be up near Prairie I'll get them to you.
  15. Husker

    Landmark day

    When you go to Wrigley, how do you get to the field?? Taxi, train?? I have only taken bus trips so far... they drop you off and pick up on Waveland so no worries about anything.... they just take so long and your at the mercy of the itinerary...thinking about other options for different/better...
  16. Husker

    New homemade turkey calls

    they sound great.... I'm part of the control study for Moose so I received one the other day at work.... only problem is his timing. Season ended Tuesday morning for Wisconsin.....:( I will be carrying one next spring!:)
  17. 2015 1st Season Bird

    2015 1st Season Bird

    22lbs. 4oz. 1" spurs 10" & 8" beard
  18. Husker

    Congratulations to all successful hunters!

    I'll add my congrats to all of you successful with a harvest or just getting out and enjoying a spring morning. I too was surprised with number of birds I saw and worked this year. I don't think next year will be as good with the low number of jakes I have seen and others I hunt with have...
  19. Husker

    Gun safe location

    No worries, just get a "golden rod" dehumidifier or one similar. What it truely is, is a small heater that keeps your safe at a constant "dry" temp. eliminating moisture. I had mine in the garage for 5 years w/ no issues and now have it in the basement still using the golden rod.
  20. Husker

    Fishing in N Wisconsin

    Have them go to Polk County, lots of good lakes up there, Big Round, Half Moon, Deer, etc.... be there around Memorial day +/- a week and the panfishing is fan-friggin-tastic.... :D
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