Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. blackpowder72

    Muzzleloader Accuracy in cold temps?

    I shoot a muzzleloader alot and i feel that 30-40 deg weather swings change things alot. I have seen up to 4 inch elevation changes butt no side to side change. Also incase some of you were woundering, I switched from TC Shockwave bullets to the Barnes Spit Fire T-EZ bullets and there is no...
  2. blackpowder72

    New Knight Mountaineer

    I just bought a refurbished Nikon Buckmasters scope from Natchez. Looks like brand new and $100 cheaper than new. In my opion the clarity of the Nikon Buckmasters scope can not be beat for the money.
  3. blackpowder72

    odd buck

    Looks like he has a bum right front leg.
  4. blackpowder72

    Barronet Ground Blinds

    Tommy what models do you have?
  5. blackpowder72

    Barronet Ground Blinds

    Thanks Tim. Am i right in that the windows are zipper? Also do the windows split in the middle?
  6. blackpowder72

    Barronet Ground Blinds

    Anyone use these blinds? I just found them on the internet and was woundering if they are any good. Have been looking for ground blinds that have zipper windows , these seem to have them.
  7. blackpowder72

    Any guess on score or age

    That is two diffrent deer for sure.
  8. blackpowder72

    I Hate To Be The One To Point This Out But....

    You have to understand we dont have the deer numbers up here that you have! I to have been hunting cut corn fields and standing corn fields. No tracks in the snow meens no deer.
  9. blackpowder72

    I Hate To Be The One To Point This Out But....

    I have hunted 5 days straight and havent seen a deer !
  10. blackpowder72

    Ground Blind

    I like the Ameristep Tom Taker. I have 3 of them and use them for deer and turkey hunting. I have used ground blinds for years . They are not quiet as big as the other hub style blinds witch I like because I only hunt by myself. But no matter what you buy make sure it is a no shine material.
  11. blackpowder72

    Quad/city guys!!

    Yea look at the deers left eye in the pic the skull has to be broke.
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