I found 15 dead deer on approximately 550 acres. This is in the cwd zone, southern mn. Have no idea what killed them. 4 were antlered bucks, 3 were shed bucks. The rest does and fawns. I’m hoping I don’t find anymore, and hopefully cwd didn’t kill them. The 2018 season ended here March 29th so...
I found this from the National Institute of Health. These numbers look a little different then what you have referenced. Which one is most accurate? I do not know.
This is from the National Institute of Health.
creased. These findings are consistent with other studies that indicate a...
What do you think about the latest on this ‘study’. Dr Bastian research wasn’t peer reviewed. Nobody believes him. The monkey research wasn’t peer reviewed and everyone believes it. Interesting...
Read the late sentence of this I found from the National Institute of Health.
creased. These findings are consistent with other studies that indicate a relative excess of cases among females [33], [35]–[38] but a higher incidence of CJD among the male population [35], [39]. The CJD incidence...
Not good. But I’m guessing they will do better then the deer up here that are being baited with corn piles. Being shot with 308s with night vision and surpressors. Oh and they are also being shot out of vehicles at night. This is completely legal, better yet. The killers are being paid to do so...
This is from the National Institute of Health.
creased. These findings are consistent with other studies that indicate a relative excess of cases among females [33], [35]–[38] but a higher incidence of CJD among the male population [35], [39]. The CJD incidence rates varied regionally, with the...
From what I’ve researched. There has been 4 cases of vCJD in the US. There has been a slow uptick in the number of CJD cases in the US. Almost 500 a year now. I haven’t been able to find the reason for that. Or maybe it’s just being diagnosed more than before? I wouldn’t knowingly eat an...
I’ve attended both of the Preston meetings. I agree with you on that. The second meeting had about half the crowd as the first with mostly older folks. The dnr seems to have no clear long term plan. More or less throwing darts at a wall and seeing which ones stick.
Obviously you have a considerable amount of time invested in this. Without reading every link and study you have posted, a quarter of it I am unable to follow anyways. Is there any current studies etc on taxidermists and any illness’ they may acquire. More instances of CJD or Alzheimer’s...
In the first year of switch I had the biggest stand of foxtail you could imagine. Very little switch. I kept it mowed throughout the summer at about 6-8”. I was worried about the following year. Paul told me not to worry about it, it won’t be a problem. He was exactly right. It’s now so thick...
I have had the cuddelink system setup for less than a week and already have squirrels chewing on the annatenas. Anyone else having problems, and solutions to get them to stop. Other than the obvious.
Above average rainfall throughout the spring into late June. We have had approximately 3 rainfalls of less than 0.2” since the second week of July despite a handful of times the forecasters have called for 90% of .5-1.0” of rain. Brassicas plots have been a waste as well as fertilizer...
You will have to keep the foxtail mowed about every 3-5 days to keep it from going to seed unless things really get dry. It will just keep producing seed heads, lower and lower. Ill try and snap some pictures the next time I am at the farm. My problem now is, I think the switch is too thick that...
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