Well I moved a camera to a scrape line on a new farm of mine Last weekend.
This is the first year I've ever hunted it. Nothing huge but not terrible for one week.
Yeah, just because they were pushing deer doesn't mean they were party hunting. Party hunting is when I shoot a deer and someone else puts a tag on it. Granted, I would probably just be hunting my stands if I had an early muzzy tag. As long as they weren't pushing your ground it could be a...
That's the story all season long. If you rattle at a buck who just got beat up, he's not gonna come in. It's all about catching them in the right mood. They just tend to be in an aggressive mood more often later in the season. Definitely grunt. Light rattling.
What happened to fall?! This sucks. Well I guess the game plan is switching a little now. I think I might sit on an alfalfa field tonight. What's everyone else's plans?
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