Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    If it was one buck for all I would agree, but his recommendation stated it was for NR’s only. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    I'm a NR landowner in MO too and will PM you my info. Not a fan of your ideas for NR's though: "Increase Non-resident permit pricing to align with other midwest states and only allow 1 buck for non residents". Neither will impact the herd quality in a meaningful way.
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    Taxidermist in Iowa buying Land

    Don't worry, you'll have plenty of friends after you buy your farm. They will be too busy to help with the chores but magically their schedule will free up Nov 1. Sad but often true. Buy it on your own then find somewhat who is grateful to have the opportunity to hunt it. They will always...
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    SOLD-I&J Skid Steer Style 3 point front attachment plate

    I&J attachment plate, like new, 3000 lb capacity. Located in North Missouri about a mile from the IA border. $300 plus shipping if you don’t pick up. Mount a sprayer up front and plant in one pass or run a crimper or roller up front and drill on the back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Ridgetop Plot-to screen or not to screen

    No we didn't and there are still a bunch of pods on them.
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    Ridgetop Plot-to screen or not to screen

    I think we’ll wait a year and monitor the usage more. They do have a sight line from the plot to where we access other parts of the farm but it’s 250 yds and we go through there in the dark or at times when they aren’t likely to be on the plot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Ridgetop Plot-to screen or not to screen

    It doesn’t appear they are but it was a new plot in 2022 on a new farm. We only hunted on the plot twice so not a good sample size. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Ridgetop Plot-to screen or not to screen

    We have a plot on a ridge top that is very open to the north. It’s hard to tell from this angle but beyond the beans the ground drops leaving the deer very exposed from the north. They can see 250 yds north in some spots when feeding. We own to the north so pressure is only us but I’ve started...
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    How much are land consulting costs?

    I spoke to Higgins about consulting on a farm back in 2015. I think he was about $2500 back then and wouldn't take on a client unless he was sure he could make it better. We didn't get to the point of hiring him but it was obvious he didn't like the layout and would not have accepted the...
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    Hunting blinds?

    Daver what issues did you have with Grizzly? I know 2 guys that favor them over Rednecks.
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    Shedding right on cue…

    We got a pic of a shed buck on Dec 11 this year. I'm pretty sure it's one of our bigger bucks.
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    Mature Buck Numbers Down

    Is point number 2 area specific and do you attribute it to the drought? We had timely rains through July then SQUAT so I don't believe the drought would have affected antler growth in our area. Had some deer grow, some stay about the same, and some regress that seemed to have better...
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    2022 Rut vs Previous years??

    2022 was the worst action I’ve experienced in over 20 years of hunting in Southern IA and North MO. The rut isn’t what it used to be in my opinion. It seems like the bell curve that used to peak about Nov 15th is flattening out creating a trickle rut every year. 1. Overall there...
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    Is it worth spraying gly in very late October on a field that I frost seeded this past March? Or is it better to wait until the cool season stuff greens up in the spring? I wasn't able to confirm whether any came up this summer.
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    200 inchers?

    My Spartan Gocam only sends instantly, spooks deer, and is now in the yard. I have my Reconyx set to send immediately because they don't seem to spook anything. I just had a Matoor 7 pointer walk by a Reconyx.
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    200 inchers?

    Spartans Go Cams don't have the option to batch send. I agree, I think batch sending would take care of the issue of deer freaking on them. Reconyx has the option but mine are set to send immediately since deer don't seem to alert on them.
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    Single most important ingredient in a food plot?

    I was in North MO over the weekend and am dissapointed again this year. Same story different year. We planted two weeks ago. One farm has gotten .3 since planting in two different "events" and virtually nothing came up. Not sure if the rest of the seed didn't germinate or came up and...
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    If you could pick the Day, Weather, Ground condition, and Wind direction to Bow hunt what day would it be??

    Nov 1, 50 degrees or cooler, 10-15 mph winds. 10 years ago it would have been Nov 9. The best action has shifted to early Nov the last 5 years or so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    200 inchers?

    We started with a couple Spartan cell cams and noticed right away the were a problem. We put them on scrape trees on plots that we ran standard Reconyx cams for years and the bucks quit using the trees. Deer don’t“linger” in front of Spartans. One sequence and they’re gone. Last year we bought...
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