Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Search results

  1. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    There's definitely something to it. Hard to say if it's every variety of non-gmo or what. Would be an interesting study. My first experience with it was the hobby farmer with 10acres. And he was always complaining about the deer eating his corn and not the neighboring corn. At first I...
  2. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Roundup Ready Corn & Soybean Food Plot

    Maybe this has been covered, but I'm not reading through 25 pages to find it. From what i've seen GMO crops will always get less traffic than non-GMO stuff. Several farmer friends of mine have also seen the same thing. Also, another one said that his cows will hit non-GMO cornstalk bales a...
  3. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Jacob's Javelina Hunting Video

    Sweet! I just moved to North Phoenix (about 5 miles NE of Ben Avery) last week.
  4. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Why we need high cap mags

    Is that where you picked up the hepatitis?
  5. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Smokeless ML Project

    Haha... Thanks! I just bought a point this year. Will get serious about it next year when I'm a resident.
  6. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Smokeless ML Project

    Yep.... See the announcement below. My wife can't handle the weather here. It's hard to believe that I started Arrowhead Sporting Goods almost seven years ago. At the time, my only aspirations were to make a little extra spending money and have fun tinkering with some gun stuff. Over that...
  7. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Midwest Muzzle Loader Classic

    We had 20 shooters last year. Capped it at 30 this year with about 5 people on a cancellation list.
  8. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Disappointed in Iowa’s deer classic

    Lol... I had the elk call booth next to me last year. That was awful.
  9. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Midwest Muzzle Loader Classic

    Yeah, pretty much everyone that attended last year is back, so it must have been a good time. I'd like to open it up to more shooters, but we're not going to sacrifice the quality of the event for more quantity.
  10. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Midwest Muzzle Loader Classic

    We're full up for shooters, but non-shooters are welcome to attend. It's a great time to BS about high performance muzzle loading and hunting in general. http://arrowheadsporting.com/classic.html
  11. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Smokeless ML Project

    I'll still be on here. All my family will still be here in Iowa, so I'll be back plenty. Will probably even pony up the $$ to deer hunt at least every other year.
  12. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Smokeless ML Project

    Skip is going to have the baddest Encore I've ever built. Don't tell doc that though. :)
  13. ArrowheadMuzzleloader

    Smokeless ML Project

    I remember that barreled action because that factory barrel was a real stubborn one. Usually the SS ones aren't that bad, but apparently the 5R gets a little extra torque.
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