Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. LYON

    Rona Buck

    Great buck! Congrats on the success.
  2. LYON

    Mobile ground hunting

    I've hunted from the ground many many times with no blind with varying degrees of success. Having a ghillie suit certainly helps, otherwise try to position yourself either behind some brush or behind a tree where you can hopefully get a shot after the deer passes by. They can pick up movement...
  3. LYON

    Tough One to Top

    Heck of a buck man. Congrats again!
  4. LYON

    It's been a while!

    Great deer! Congrats!
  5. LYON

    Great video/message

    Great video and perspective. Thanks for sharing!
  6. LYON

    Iowa Deer Classic

    I'll be there Friday night and all day Saturday. I'll try to swing by at some point.
  7. LYON

    Please help me kill a deer

    Interesting. I'd also side with waiting until late season and go get him.
  8. LYON

    Ghillie Suit

    I have one of the ones from Scheels as well. Red Rock Outdoor I believe is the brand. Comes with pants, coat, hat and a gun cover I believe. I've mainly used the hat and coat and have had some pretty fun hunts with it on.
  9. LYON

    Shooting deer from your own deck

    The only law I can think of that would address any part of shooting from inside a house (through a window) would be during the shotgun seasons you would technically need orange on each side of your house since it would be used as a blind. Shooting from an exterior deck should eliminate that...
  10. LYON

    2019 archery buck

    Great buck! Congrats on the success!
  11. LYON

    Vortex Diamondback 10X42

    The diamondbacks are fantastic binos for Iowa hunting. I have a pair of 10x50's. I say Iowa hunting because generally you aren't glassing stuff a mile away. They do lose some clarity after 600-700 yards I would say, but for the most part they are clear and very good glass for the price.
  12. LYON


    Very nice! Congrats muddy! Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  13. LYON

    Euro mount suggestions

    Hey if he can do it, then more power to him! I'm not looking for secrets, just more of a curiosity of how that is done so quickly.
  14. LYON

    Euro mount suggestions

    I am over by Toledo and do quite a few every year. $50 cleaned and bleached if you're interested. I'd be interested in knowing how that guy does then in an hour too! That's crazy. I could probably have one completely done and drying in 4 hours. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  15. LYON

    Bow pull up rope?

    I just use a hunter's Specialties bow rope or whatever it's called. Just a string with a clip on each end. It's always in my hunting pants pocket. Clip onto the bow, put the other end in my teeth, climb. When I can reach the stand platform, I'll clip it onto the stand then pull it up when...
  16. LYON


    Legally, below is the Iowa code for killing dogs. The only reason I know this is because we had some issues with feral dogs killing some livestock this past year. We wanted to know what could legally be done about it. The ONLY way shooting a dog for ruining your hunt is legal is if it doesn't...
  17. LYON

    Moosehunter finally has a season

    Congrats on a great buck and staying healthy!
  18. LYON

    Had a great weekend.

    Sweet buck! Congrats!
  19. LYON

    Surprise bucks?

    Depends on the property for me. One of my main two properties that I hunt may have one or two random bucks show up in November, but for the most part, the bucks that summer there are the same ones throughout the fall. Another property about 2 miles away is mostly CRP with a small timber, creek...
  20. LYON


    Sounds like a great hunt! Congrats on the success!
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