Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. LYON

    Fun weekend for all

    Awesome stuff! Congrats to Misha and good luck to Alik!
  2. LYON

    Carter's first deer

    Carter (7) has been showing interest in hunting and said he wanted to try deer hunting this year. He's a very particular kid and I knew shooting precision wouldn't be an issue for him. I felt he was ready so we decided to do it. A month or so ago we got the muzzleloader out and sighted it in...
  3. LYON

    Olivia's 1st deer

    Congrats Olivia! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  4. LYON

    John's First

    Nicely done and way to go with taking another kid out with you! Congrats to John! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  5. LYON

    Youth season success!

    Congrats! Heck of a nice buck! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  6. LYON

    Youth Season Progress

    I haven't taken my son out yet due to the heat. We should have been out last night but weren't able to. We did get out to check our main location right before dark and there was a decent buck out there. Hopefully he continues to feed there until Friday night!
  7. LYON

    SOLD - Rossi Single shot .308/12 ga

    Just north of Toledo. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  8. LYON

    Trail cameras

    No. It is illegal however to hunt over mineral. Even residual mineral that has leeched into the ground is illegal.
  9. LYON

    SOLD - Rossi Single shot .308/12 ga

    Bump and $150 is now the asking price.
  10. LYON

    Stinky Antlers

    Where are you located? I have a scent crusher bag that I'd be more than happy to use on that mount if you're close enough to make it happen. No clue if it would cure the smell, but definitely worth a try. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  11. LYON

    Smokeless Muzzleloader, cva hunter

    Man I really wish I was in the market for a new muzzy.. I would jump on this in a heartbeat. At this point in time, it wouldn't be smart.
  12. LYON

    It's the age question again..

    I'm torn. Slim body and long legs make me say 2. Antler mass and big long face make me say older than dirt. I honestly think he might be super old. Not sure on that one though.
  13. LYON

    .243 Savage Axis XP compact Muddy Girl Camo with scope

    Just giving this a little bump. Heck, I'll even lower the price to $300!
  14. LYON

    October Hunting Tactics?

    I know I've screwed myself up in the past by hunting my prime spots in october. I'm working hard at changing that. It's just so dang tough to NOT hunt where you want to once season opens... My routine, in my prime spots, will be to check my cams right before season opens. If any of the main...
  15. LYON


    I would say he was 4 last year, maybe 3, but he had a pretty deep neck for a three year old.
  16. LYON

    Age and score ?

    I'd also say 4+. I feel like he could be quite a bit older though. Like 6 or 7. Not sure why though...
  17. LYON

    Ultimate Predator Stalker Decoy

    Nicely done! Looks great! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  18. LYON

    Ultimate Predator Stalker Decoy

    I have not used one but have certainly thought about it. Hunting from the ground is such a rush and anything that could make it more effective is worth a shot.
  19. LYON

    Pregnant buck, aliens or a giant misplaced sack?

    Mystery solved. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
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