Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. RoosterCogburn

    2018 Muzzleloader buck

    Holy hell what a buck!!!! Some great trail cam pics... the pond dam pic is by far my favorite. Congrats on a dandy!
  2. RoosterCogburn

    Late Season Muzz

    goooooood gracious alive that is a dandy!!!!
  3. RoosterCogburn

    ATV Tires

    agree with Elvis on this one... local dealer here gave us a STEAL on a set of brand new, never used, factory wheels & tires off a sportsman quad that someone had bought & put aftermarket wheels/tires on. So now our trusty ol '99 sportsman 500 is sportin' a set of 2016 wheels/tires & looks killer :D
  4. RoosterCogburn

    Fun hunt From this past weekend

    great video! some nice up & comers to look forward to, too
  5. RoosterCogburn

    Doe stuck in fence

    Crazy Pics!!!! Seems like a sharp pair of snips could make a decent enough hole to rid this problem...
  6. RoosterCogburn

    Strategies When They Aren’t Moving

    Ask the neighbors for permission.. offer to help on the farm.. bring the turkey on Christmas day... etc etc you get the point
  7. RoosterCogburn

    2018 8 point.

    nice buck! Congrats
  8. RoosterCogburn

    Lets do a age and score !!

    i'm going to say 137 ish & 5.5
  9. RoosterCogburn

    Heavy Heart Right Now

    What a horrible horrible situation. Hug your loved ones every chance you get. Praying for the family & all involved
  10. RoosterCogburn

    Another survivor buck story inspired to share by Sligh's story

    is it just me or does anyone else think he put on more than 30" from last year to this year?? that is absolutely incredible. congrats on a great buck!!
  11. RoosterCogburn

    “Bullet Hole Buck” 2 to 3 & recovery pics...

    heck of a jump from 2 to 3. on track to be a real stunner
  12. RoosterCogburn

    Boy gets it done again!

    Someone's off to a pretty strong start! I'm sure he's got a pretty good coach to guide him through it.. Congrats to both of you on a great buck & memory you'll both remember for ages
  13. RoosterCogburn

    Archery buck

    Freakin slob right there... Patience & perseverance pays off. Congrats on a great buck
  14. RoosterCogburn

    Pack in, hang, and hunt treestand sets

    Hard to beat the comfort & ease of hanging a millennium. My go-to is usually the M7 microlite or the M60 with 4LW sticks or 4 Hawk Helium sticks with aiders. I still really like my LW assault & Hawk helium xl's.. have several of each. But the millennium takes the cake. I have millennium...
  15. RoosterCogburn

    Pack in, hang, and hunt treestand sets

    do you strap the stand to your pack or strap your pack to the stand?
  16. RoosterCogburn

    Last day, last hour buck

    Those palmated brows are really unique. Congrats on a great buck!
  17. RoosterCogburn

    Looking for a new Broadhead...

    Ask 100ppl you will get 100 different answers.. everyone has their own opinion. I shoot mechanical NAP killzones & swear by them.. good luck & let us know what you decide
  18. RoosterCogburn

    TB4 - The Saga Continues...

    TB5 is going to be a booner & before ya know it, everyone here will have a trailer set up in their backyard!! Lol congrats on a great buck
  19. RoosterCogburn

    November 5th buck

    What a tank!! Congrats
  20. RoosterCogburn

    Need new cams

    FWIW.. i have to agree with @Sligh1 about going with IR over the blackout. Daytime quality won't be phased but night pics & transition pics will be much better by going with IR. As many others have said, i also will say Bushnell is the way to go. I have about a 70/30 mix of IR over blackout...
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