Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. bradley

    Team Contest

    I'm in also
  2. bradley

    Apps for Weather info??

    I dont think I want the GPS coordinates to all of my hunting spots out in the public so everyone can infringe on on my hunting.
  3. bradley


    You are going to have a tough time picking which one to shoot!Nice deer!
  4. bradley

    He is looking better!

    08180971 by bradley posted Aug 20, 2017 at 6:03 PM08140646 by bradley posted Aug 20, 2017 at 6:02 PM08140638 by bradley posted Aug 20, 2017 at 6:02 PM
  5. 08180971


  6. 08140646


  7. 08140638


  8. bradley

    Cam settings?

    I stick to photo at 30 second delay video eats card space and battery life.
  9. bradley

    Lyon's Trail cam

    i bet they look really good by now!
  10. bradley

    October Countdown

    yeah i would be ok with that too!
  11. bradley

    08/06/2017 card pull a little disappointed but could be worse!

    08050418 by bradley posted Aug 7, 2017 at 12:50 AM08050418 by bradley posted Aug 7, 2017 at 12:50 AM08050375 by bradley posted Aug 7, 2017 at 12:50 AM08050375 by bradley posted Aug 7, 2017 at 12:50 AM08020849 by bradley posted Aug 7, 2017 at 12:50 AM07310036 by bradley posted Aug 7, 2017 at...
  12. 07310031


  13. bradley

    Couple bucks

    the 5 point looks like a mulie
  14. bradley

    Fact or Myth

    I gut shot a nice buck in 2009 I found him dead in the creek 2 weeks later due to overlooking the water .I believe it makes a big difference on gut shot deer I was told they go to water to drink and also to numb the pain
  15. bradley

    Fact or Myth

    I gut shot a nice buck in 2009 I found him dead in the creek 2 weeks later due to overlooking the water .I believe it makes a big difference on gut shot deer I was told they go to water to drink and also to numb the pain
  16. bradley

    Deer movement update thread

    southwest iowa sat last three days til around 10:00 seen 1 different buck each day 1 buck in 4 hours pretty slow upside is that they have been different bucks each time.this morning had 150 at 70 yards grunted at him no response.In the evening has been dead barely any deer sightings at all.
  17. bradley

    Deer movement update thread

    sw ia saw 1 chasing and 1 lone little buck wandering is was fit for Halloween pretty dead!
  18. bradley

    Rut vacation

    I am taking off Nov 3rd thru the 13th. The biggest buck I have ever got a shot at was on Nov 7th when it was 68 degrees I seen him two days in a row both warm.Unfortunately I shaved some hair off his belly so he got away.
  19. bradley

    Nice Bobcat Pic in daylight!

    Got this bad boy when i pulled cards today!
  20. bradley

    How Old?

    I would say 4.5
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