Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. NWBuck

    Recommendations for best hunting swivel chair?

    We've got a bunch of box type blinds, mostly on wagon frames. And although we've not used anything "new", the swivel type office chairs we've put in them are comfy, but nearly all are too noisy in cold weather such as late season ML. My favorite choice would be a basic folding chair with cloth...
  2. NWBuck

    New trailer blind build

    Yikes!! Might as well throw on some gutters, downspouts and a window AC and call it home :) Looks awesome...wish I had your construction skills!! NWBuck
  3. NWBuck

    Brassica planting times

    I'm up north in the state, and I'd probably opt for rye grass if planted as late as labor day. A lot of that gets put in as a cover crop up here after silage gets cut in September, and it can be a late season deer magnet. I also don't like putting turnips in much before the last couple of days...
  4. NWBuck

    Late season food plot

    Nice work...you're going to have an excellent plot! I took a wagon blind down to my Dad's farm south of Winterset a week ago, and drove home Sunday morning in a beautiful rain shower! Assuming that's the one that gave your plot a shot in the arm. NWBuck
  5. NWBuck

    Disappointing summer

    Yikes, that really stinks! Hopefully he has a brother running around out there somewhere. NWBuck
  6. NWBuck

    Off topic: highway medians

    If that's out there, I'm buying it for my lawn :) NWBuck
  7. NWBuck

    Off topic: highway medians

    Most grasses that have headed out, if mowed sometime late summer, will not grow back much before first frost. So yeah, one good mowing this time of year is usually sufficient. We could talk about a lot of ways government money is wasted, but I don't think this would be anywhere near the top of...
  8. NWBuck

    Off topic: highway medians

    If you didn't mow them, the tall grass and/or weeds would make an outstanding snow fence to dump blowing snow on the road. Spend the money mowing medians and ditches or plowing snow...pay me now or pay me later. NWBuck
  9. NWBuck

    Who’s shot the biggest 6 point buck?

    Yep, he was a beauty! About gave me a hernia getting him in the truck :)
  10. NWBuck

    Makes me feel kinda like this.....

    Looks like a blast! Hard to beat the up north experience for sure!! NWBuck
  11. NWBuck

    Clover and foxtail

    I have a clover plot about that same size, and earlier this summer it was nothing but a glorified weed patch with a nice bed of young clover underneath. I mowed it, then waited several days, and hit it with a hand sprayer mixed with a light dose of gly. I believe it was approximately 4 oz. in...
  12. NWBuck

    Blind Windows

    The advantage of the vinyl sliders over something like deer view (we have blinds with both) is the ability to open them as much or as little as you want. If you can swing the vinyl sliders, I think you'd like them more. NWBuck
  13. NWBuck

    Soybean food plot

    A few years back we planted a 3 acre soybean plot on the morning of July 4th. It had been crazy wet all spring, and by the time it dried out, we got weeds mowed and sprayed, etc. that was about as soon as we could get equipment in there. The beans were short, but had plenty of pods. If I had...
  14. NWBuck

    Trophy room upgrades

    Looks awesome...nice work!! NWBuck
  15. NWBuck

    Did we stop posting turkey kills this year?

    That is some sweet video and a great lifetime memory...congrats!! I flung two arrows at the same tom Saturday night and whiffed on both. You don't even want to know how close... :( NWBuck
  16. NWBuck

    One minute after sunrise

    Great pics for sure...congrats on a successful hunt! NWBuck
  17. NWBuck

    Liberty's last youth turkey hunt.

    Great video...congrats to all involved!! NWBuck
  18. NWBuck

    Youth Season Success

    Congrats to all the kids...nice work!! NWBuck
  19. NWBuck

    Owen gets it done again

    Way to go Owen...congrats!! NWBuck
  20. NWBuck

    Activity Question

    Wait to hear the gobbling. If it's close, don't call much (if at all) while they're on the roost. If it's a little further away, I like to give a few soft yelps and see if I can get a quick answer back. If they answer you while they're still in the roost, resist the urge to keep calling to...
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