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    Tree Planting

    These acorns that I started are in the house...also in a south window. Maybe it has something to do with the potting soil I'm using. These chinkapin acorn pics that Paul posted were planted on Jan 2...so it is 5 weeks old. It was stored in the fridge from the beginning of October till Jan 2...
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    Tree Planting

    Not being one to just accept "just because"...I wonder how the acorn knows that the days are still short when they are buried in dirt? :confused:
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    Tree Planting

    I need some help identifying a tree...you guy's don't get a picture or nothing! :thrwrck:I can't tell you what the leaves looked like but it had round balls on it that looked simular to an Allegheny Chinkapin.:grin: What other tree has those prickly covers? :D Maybe some kind of beech (white...
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    I just wanted to share a couple of pictures of some Tyfon brassicas that we broadcasted in a standing corn field just ahead of a rain. This was just a trial attempt, so we didn't cover alot of area. Next year we'll try it on a larger scale. In the 3rd picture you can see the difference in growth...
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    Native Wildflowers and Plants

    I'm not positive but this last white/yellow flower maybe some sort of Sweet Everlasting or cat foot. It's in the aster family. I think the third unknown aster is a New England Aster.:grin:
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    Tree Planting

    Can someone help me ID this oak tree? I think it's a Chinkapin but I'm not 100% sure...:) We are in west central Illinois. Thanks! :D
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    Tree Planting

    yes...that's correct with the exception of apple trees and some shrubs and those are probally safe the second year after palnting. Oaks can tolerate Oust well as long as soil is settled by some good rains. If you apply it now and plant oaks in October for instance it's very safe but problems...
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    I usually just use the 4 wheeler and run back and forth, tire track to tire track to cover the seed unless you are sowing 40 acres! It's the "poormans" version but it will do the trick and works real well. Plant your larger seeds as you normally would and drag to cover, broadcast the legume...
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    how do I seed for oats next fall w/out destroying my clover? I'm thinking we have confused you somewhere along the line but normally we use oats to establish clover but then that's the end of it for the oats. Sometimes you can mow the clover close in the fall and no-till drill some oats into...
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    tkcampb1: this is coming from Dbltree he is having computer problems :) I would suggest either straight Alice white clover or Alice and KopuII for a low growing easy to mantain clover plot. Please don't be confused by field rye and ryegrass...nothing alike, I plant rye grain which is like...
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