Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Cuddeback photos

    Back to back days from the same trail cam??? For your sake, I hope you have some stands hanging nearby...
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    Need a guess

    Every single person i know uses a .50 cal ML. As far as shotguns go, we have about 15 people in our group and about half use 20 ga. half 12 ga. the teenagers are using the 12's and us "older fellows" have switched back to 20's as they lighter and produce less drop on longer shots. my 2 cents...
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    I echo the previous post. I have observed for the last 3 months my own crp and the does and yearlings are feeding/playing in the crp and the bucks are bedding on the ridges and cruising through in a predictable pattern.
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    Shooting 1.5 year old Spike Bucks

    I have also heard for years to shot spikes to clean up your genetic pool. but a trip to Michigan last month convinced me otherwise. My son and I stopped at the Michigan Whitetail Farm just shy of Detroit and enjoyed the deer they had there. He had a 7 1/2 buck that was a main frame 8 with 2...
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    8 or 10 power binocs?

    Muddy, The answer depends on your needs. I have poor vision early & late and i have 10x50 Wind River Leupolds. They are great for drawing light and also the higher power helps for hunts out west (glassing much longer distances!!). I chose the 10's because of the versatility. One point...
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    Help wanted- Video Camera

    Sony has some great new camcorders out (Mini-Dv). About half the size of a palmcorder and also have digital camera capability for still shots. They have carl zeiss lens and are a little pricey ($600+ & up) but are replacing all the old vhs, hi-8, digital 8, etc. They also have a micro mv...
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    leased land

    I have a farmer friend in NW Illinois who has a private party wanting to lease 500-800 acres from him for use by the guy and his family. Great ag land, heavy timber and a river running through it. Can anyone give me an idea on what the going rate is?? (i.e.-so much an acre, so much a gun...
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    Weird situation, any opinions??

    I think legally your friend is in a bad spot. I just hope the clowns that kept the deer have a hard time sleeping a night. I have finished numerous deer over the years and it is usually pretty obvious by the blood trail and where the deer was hit whether or not he was going anywhere. I could...
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    Why not "party hunting"

    Bowmaker, You make some very valid points. Although I prefer bow & ML, party hunting with my Dad is also fun and over the last 30 years where dozens of young men were taught about safety, tactics, etc. I think each type of hunting has its scoundrels, by and large, most sportsman are honest...
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    ? for Iowa hunters

    I feel if more hunters would put their ego aside and shot a nice healthy doe and let the little fellas grow big, we would all be better off. We live in one of the best whitetail states but that will not continue if more hunters don't start showing a little restraint.
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    river bottom bowhunting

    Is this "gentlemen" doing anything on your side of the fence??? If not, I do not think you can do much except get a big fella in spite of this clown. If he is trespassing, I would push it further.
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    Minimum legal distances

    I understand you must be 200 ft. from a residence or building to legally shot a gun at wildlife. Is that distance also necessary for bowhunting as well??
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    !st hardhorn buck this morning

    I too saw my first hard bucks last night in ne Iowa. A forkie and a young 8 pt. that was very palmeated (sp.??). I watched them feed for 15 minutes @ 50 yards away and neither one had a stitch of velvet left. Gettin the blood pumping...
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    T/C Black Diamond

    I own a black diamond .50 cal and love it. I shoot CVA powerbelts (295 grain) with 2 pyrodex pellets (100 grains) and it is extremely accurate and very reliable.
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    How far??

    I practice from 10-50 yards but would not intend to shoot beyond 35-40 yards hunting. Until I shoot a lot more I think that is my ethical range.
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    How do you hunt Mule Deer ?

    Rackaddict, I am not an "expert" muley hunter either but I do hunt Montana every fall. Much like whitetails, early morning & late afternoon are best. Muleys seem to be spookier than WT's so driving them is not advised. We do lots of glassing and patterning and waiting. When the rut kicks in...
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