Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. L

    Nice 10

    he's out on public ground, so anybody can go take a swing at him. getting me to divulge the location of my cam is another story... what do you guys think he'll go, 160s??
  2. L

    Nice 10

    This fella has been stopping by to check out the mineral pile for the last coupla weeks. Shot a smaller 10 pointer at this spot last fall. Hoping this guy decides to stay around until October! http://youtu.be/RNYe39sBZNM
  3. L

    mock rub/scrape trees

    i've enjoyed reading this thread and seeing the pics, so thanks for that! perhaps this was mentioned before, but when there are trees everywhere, what makes these artificial creations so desirable for deer?
  4. L

    Movement Update...

    Weekend wasn't quite what I had hoped here in East Central Iowa. Started on Thurs when I discovered one of my trail cam's gone 'missing.' Farmer to the south of me was on the combine all Friday night and some of Saturday. Sat AM was absolutely fantastic in terms of weather but only saw a group...
  5. L

    Weekend Strategy

    What is your plan for the weekend? Temps have cooled, windy today but lighter tomorrow, maybe some rain on Sunday and coming down off the full moon... Sit AM, mid-day, PM? I was thinking about doing the AM/PM thing, but if you put any stock in the lunar charts, they are predicting...
  6. L

    Muzzleloader loads

    I use the 250 gr T-EZs in my T/C Triumph and have had no problems whatsoever. I also like the spinjag starter and ramrod.
  7. L

    Camera set-ups

    good points. i definitely found plenty of scrapes and rubs last year close to my spot. i worry a little about scaring deer off by getting into their travel areas but they don't seem to mind just yet. sometimes i wonder if deer will get habituated to my scent and maybe not worry so much come...
  8. L

    Camera set-ups

    this is my first summer with trail cams. i've been using Trophy Rock and then just livestock mineral with good results. I've heard that by the end of the summer, deer just don't care about mineral any more. what do you guys like to use until October?
  9. L

    Early ML Tags

    FYI: Licenses on sale Aug 15 as previously suggested http://www.iowadnr.gov/hunting/deerhunting/ctl/detail/mid/2870/itemid/341
  10. L

    Iowa resident deer info

    http://www.iowadnr.gov/Hunting/DeerHunting.aspx lists all the dates. not sure if they've published the annual guide yet, but last years is here: http://www.iowadnr.gov/portals/idnr/uploads/Hunting/huntingregs.pdf?amp;tabid=473
  11. L

    Talley One-Piece Rings/Base

    Hey guys, I'm fitting out my new T/C Triumph for this fall. I've been thinking about getting the Talley One-Piece rings/base. As far as scopes go, I've been thinking about the Bushnell Elite 4200 3-9 x40. I've read some reviews complaining that scopes with extended eye relief a la Nikon Omega...
  12. L

    Early ML Tags

    one more question for you guys: do i need to go through a FFL here in Iowa for a T/C Triumph? budsgunshop.com beats anybody's price here in Iowa City
  13. L

    Early ML Tags

    that's why i'm looking forward to October
  14. L

    Early ML Tags

    thanks for the help guys. already looking forward to October
  15. L

    Early ML Tags

    well last year I was sitting in the tree with my bow mid October when I coulda been using a smoke pole, so I figured why not. by mid December I've already been out most weekends for 2-1/2 months and am getting wore out...
  16. L

    Early ML Tags

    Hey guys, I'm new to the Iowa ML scene. I heard the tags go fast. When do they go on sale?
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