Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. C

    Toxic waste muck hole turned into a nice pond!!!!

    Awesome pond!!! my thoughts: fathead minnows as soon as you have enough water. Then yellow perch, redear sunfish, hybrid bluegill, catfish, then Walleyes(and or smallmouths) 6 months later. Just did my new pond this way. No crappie, bluegill or bass.
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    Pumpkins/ squash

    I also planted about 12 hills last Thursday of pumpkins and squash. Watered at the time, don't think they have emerged yet. Will water again tonight. Planted right into standing buckwheat.
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    For fescue and unwanted grasses, (Brome etc ) I spray glyophosphate after a couple hard frosts, normally first to second week of November in central Iowa. Natives are then dormant and fescue etc. is still alive. This has been the best time by far for me to kill brome. I know you were...
  4. C

    What should I do for this pond moss?

    check Pond Boss Forums, that sight is amazing and has every answer to everything you ever need to know about ponds. I just built a new pond and have been on that sight for hours and hours learning.
  5. C


    duh!! I would agree to this~! I was thinking ragweed when I responded!
  6. C


    I don't think that is horseweed, looks like Mares Tail to me?? If so it sucks as you need 2 4D to kill it.
  7. C

    Egyptian Wheat

    We planted 9 different strips/areas of EW on Memorial day. Process= roto tilled 2 weeks ago, on Monday added 40-0-0 w/Sulphur, tilled in fertilizer, then broadcast E. wheat and drove over with Ranger tires to pack...process worked well last year and am expecting it to again this year.
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    With farm credit you also get a 1% dividend of your principal balance paid back to you each year.....
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    Sligh-- Stands are 4 years old. We have over 60 acres of it in various fields that have been burned once split up equally the last 2 years in the spring. The first 2 years before burning, they were good, but last year and this year they are not. Nebraska 28- we think that may be the problem...
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    Is anyone else experiencing crappy existing switchgrass stands the last two years? Even after burning it hasn't come back either year in various fields for us.
  11. C

    When do you shoot your bucks

    First weekend in November in the morning --last 3 I have taken.....Normally around 8-9 Am
  12. C

    Updated 2020 new pond thread

    """""kill the brome!!"""" I second that, get rid of the brome. Congrats on the pond, what a fun project to look forward to, along with 60 acres of habitat improvement!
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    Unfrozen water sources in late season

    Water is everywhere, especially after this weekends rains, so I really doubt any one source will make a difference.
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    I'd be interested to know why you would stay clear of Polaris as I have not really ever heard anyone talk that negative about them before? I'm on my 4th one and they have always been awesome, as well as all of my neighbors continue to buy them as well. Thanks.
  15. C

    Browning Strike Forces Extreme Trail Camera 20mp

    I feel Brownings are the best camera that I have used
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