Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. H


    Any pics of your clover? Curious how tall/thick it normally gets the first year.
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    My 2 year switchgrass

    I have a major thistle problem across the ditch about 30 yards by 30 yards or so. It was just unmowed grass but thistle took over whole patch. I will look out for that thank you
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    I did this last fall. Looks good but I didn't have to mow the Rye this summer. Not sure where it went but the clover looks pretty good. Very few weeds.
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    I planted 3 acres last year. It looked like all fox tail. I left it untouched this year and now 50% of the field is 4-5 foot tall switch grass.
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    My 2 year switchgrass

    It's 4 feet tall. Seems really thick where it took. First year I didn't mow at all either. I sprayed for weeds in fall. It used to be a hay field. I seeded it into a late March or april snow in Iowa. The first year was almost all fox tail. I wasn't sure if I should mow the poor areas next...
  6. H

    My 2 year switchgrass

    Well it looks like I actually have some SG over my 3 acre field. What maintenance would be suggested next year? It looks like about 50% of the field took. I didn't do any spraying or mowing this year. Just let it run it's course and see what happened. It
  7. H

    What to plant in my wetland area

    Man I have had a lot of issues logging on for some reason. I son't do the reed grass then. I'm not sure what to plant. It is barren there right now especially with this icy snow cover. I am leaning towards some of the kanlow sg that was mentioned earlier and some Miscanthus. Maybe with...
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    That looks great for pheasant and deer. Sorry for late response I have had a lot of issues logging in for some reason. Does the common reed grow fast? And is it from seed?
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    I was deer hunting along the skunk river and one bottom land had something growing that had to be 10 feet tall and very thick. I saw several roosters, and it looks like deer could disappear in it. I'm not sure what it was though. Kind of reed like.
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    How fast does the button brush grow? It's going to be time to do something before I know it and I'm having trouble deciding what to do. I would like it to be good for deer and pheasant since we do have some pheasant on the property.
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    Is the button brush easy to grow?
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    Interesting. I wonder if the deer like it? As for common reed when you say it is highly invasive what is the risk? It is hilly by me so would it only grow in the bottoms? BB8 I will look into that also. Very interesting. A perfect world would be great for deer and pheasant.
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    Rut report 2020

    Outside Iowa City last night I called in 2 8 point bucks. One old surly guy and the other a young one with a great frame. They walked by each other with hair raised but no action. Later a doe was feeding by herself. That's all I saw all day. There was way more action the last time I went out 5...
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    Smith1975- Yes I have ordered from them the last 2 years. Good company. Iowabowhunter- It seems to be a natural spring that stays soft even with this drought. I saw some standing water in a very small area there this morning and we haven't had rain in awhile. Have you guys noticed if deer...
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    What to plant in my wetland area

    The Kanlow switch sounds appealing also. How would you go about seeding it in such a thick, marshy grass? I would like something that the pheasants use also as their population is growing around my place.
  16. H


    Thanks! What a relief. The field was brown for several weeks so I think the foxtail came in late and didn't canopy it except about a 10 yard wide path on the very outside. There is no green mixed in there, just thick fox tail. Otherwise I am seeing quite a bit of green what looks like switch...
  17. H

    What to plant in my wetland area

    That sounds like some great options!
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    I was thinking mow it in the spring and see what happens next year. I went out and looked closer and although some areas are all foxtail, there are pretty big patches with a lot of green mixed in that I think is SG. I took some more pics hoping for a little guidance. I did have some sorghum...
  19. H

    What to plant in my wetland area

    Thanks for the reply. That's interesting and I am trying to picture it. Have you seen or done it before and have any pictures of similar set up? It is such a wasted area and the deer don't travel in daylight often due to the visibility from 2 houses. I own 35 acres that hunts smaller due to...
  20. H

    What to plant in my wetland area

    It used to have some cattails but they are almost gone. I even tried taking the heads off a few and spreading the seed last year. The ground is never under water but has a natural spring and stays pretty soft except for drought years. I would like to have ideas on what I can plant to give more...
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