Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. biggest buck

    Too much pressure?

    You hit the nail right on the head! It's rut time and deer will be traveling constantly. Get in there and get set and stay off them phones!
  2. biggest buck

    October 25th SE Iowa Buck

    What a kickass rack!
  3. biggest buck

    Finalled killed 10/29

    Nice one! Congrats
  4. biggest buck

    SW Iowa buck

    Thanks everyone. It is bittersweet but now I get to do other things I wouldn't normally do, like fishing in the fall. Didn't catch too many fish today but I did manage to catch me a Northern Pike finally. It has been over 20 years since I caught one. Spent all day on the lake and only caught...
  5. biggest buck

    Nice night...

    That's a cool buck. Congrats
  6. biggest buck

    SW Iowa buck

    I shot this guy October 16th, my second day in the stand. (The first day I shot me a doe within 50 minutes of daylight). It was kind of warm that afternoon so I walked in in my boots, my shorts and a T-shirt and carried all of my gear and hunting clothing inside my Scentlok bag. Once I got to...
  7. biggest buck

    2015 AZ Hunting Journal

    Wow Brian I sure hope you find him. Sounds like a nice one!
  8. biggest buck

    Lake Vermilion Trip

    Holy smokes post a picture of that Muskie ASAP
  9. biggest buck

    The old guy is back!

    Finally headed in to check this camera again. Only to find some butthole beat me to it. Camera gone. So sick of the theft amongst hunters.
  10. biggest buck

    Some nice Iowa Bass

    Oh, and we've caught not one bass under 2 lbs.
  11. biggest buck

    Some nice Iowa Bass

    The pond is relatively small, probably 7 acres. It's a nice little pond but it is silting in pretty badly. Haven't found anything past 7.5 feet deep. But it holds some whoppers! And a lot of Catfish and Carp. The bass and cats are the only fish we've caught out of the pond, no bluegill and no...
  12. biggest buck

    Some nice Iowa Bass

    My son and uncle with some super nice Bass from a couple farm ponds we fish.
  13. biggest buck

    Pond fishing

    Nice fish!
  14. biggest buck

    Won't hold back all my pics

    Wow he's a good one. Good luck with him
  15. biggest buck

    Decent buck

    Yes he is!
  16. biggest buck

    The old guy is back!

    Have been watching this guy since 2010. That year he was probably 130 inches and had a crooked brow tine, he was then nick named Crooked Brow. I'd say that year he was a 2.5 or 3.5 year old buck, making him at least a 7.5 year old now I took this pic of him yesterday morning with my phone from...
  17. biggest buck

    Gould's Tag Raffle

    Good deal. Do I paypal you or?
  18. biggest buck

    Gould's Tag Raffle

    Hey Brian I just saw this. Are these still available and if so when is the drawing?
  19. biggest buck

    fencing plots

    ARM, I am joining your post because I am trying to get a plot going this year for the first time too. My situation is similar, currently there is about a 20 acre piece of agland in front of my stand. I am talking with the landowner this week. Next year he is r not planting corn or beans and is...
  20. biggest buck

    uncommon 7x7 typ

    Taylor county sure has some dang giants. What a brute.
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