I've seen it, but only 2 days. 2 days ago I had a 140s and a 130s chasing a doe. Then right before dark I had the biggest buck I've ever seen while bow hunting, at 60 yards. Unfortunately he followed a hot doe away from my stand. Of all the days I have hunted I've only seen 2 decent days. The...
I couldn't get a picture of it today, but I too had a spotted fawn under my stand today. I couldn't believe my eyes. The thing was so tiny I passed on shooting his momma.
Just curious?
Why do yall keep your range finders out at all times. I range things once I get there, and I usually only need it the first time I go to a stand or if I haven't been in it for a while. I have set markers(a certain corn stalk, cedar tree, fence post, etc) that I range and I...
Ya he really blew up this year. We were pretty excited to see it and sure didn't think he'd grow like that in a year! My last card pull did not have any pics of him or crooked brow. Guess it's time to put out some corn for a few weeks.
Haven't gotten a pic of him this year, but I did see him alive and well in July at the exact same location! But, I haven't see him since...I'd say he's at least a 7.5 year old deer now.
I think its time for him to take an arrow. Hopefully me or my buddy gets him before those double eye guards break off.
He is easily identifiable, by his name: Club foot
Wow man I am so sorry for the loss. I hate reading stuff like this, it makes you realize how easily ones life can be taken. Condolences to all your family.
New in box Remington 870 Express pump 12 gauge. Tru Glo sights, vent rib, 26 inch barrel, wood stock and 3 choke tubes. Asking $320. New cost at Cabelas was 411.
PM me or call/text me at 712-579-9868
I can bring it to the Ia Deer Classic next weekend if someone is interested!
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