Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. biggest buck

    Talk about a kick in the butt

    I know your not Brian. Thanks again!
  2. biggest buck

    Talk about a kick in the butt

    Haha, that's awesome Brian!
  3. biggest buck

    Talk about a kick in the butt

    You know what's weird. In 28 years of bowhunting I've never taken a buck in October. I was always waiting for a giant and passed up numerous bucks that I'd shoot in the later days of November and in December. My first day out this year, Oct 7, my hunt lasted a little over an hour. From 7 am...
  4. biggest buck

    Talk about a kick in the butt

    That my friend is a ton of information and help. I thank you and will more than likely be contacting you after my meeting with the surgeon later this afternoon. You are right about the fear, I'm scared to death right now because I have NO clue what I'm in for yet. These last 4 days have not...
  5. biggest buck

    video of nice buck

    Looks like we just might see him now! What a stud.
  6. biggest buck

    Big 11 pointer down!

    Wow thats one big cool buck. Congrats
  7. biggest buck

    Talk about a kick in the butt

    Wow, day 2 and I've found it very difficult remaining positive even with so many people by my side. I guess the not knowing is probably what is keeping me down at this point. Pretty much everyday I am an upbeat and very easy going person who does not get depressed or stressed about damn near...
  8. biggest buck

    Talk about a kick in the butt

    I like to be first in things, but this first, bit me in the ass! Yesterday I was diagnosed with Colon cancer. Yes that nasty old C word. I have no idea what stage it is, I just know the pictures of it look kinda nasty. Going to be meeting with a cancer specialist Wednesday in Omaha at the...
  9. biggest buck

    Idaho Billy

    Wow man that sounds like one heck of a hunt. You lucky man!
  10. biggest buck

    Loess hills

    Find the funnels as others have said. There you will find the heaviest used trails that lead up the ridges and over. Your lookin at some rugged walks no matter which unit you choose. Ive spent countless hours in the Little Sioux unit and have hunted all of them. There are some freakin giants...
  11. biggest buck

    Numero Uno.....hard horned

    Damn he is impressive, good luck gettin him!
  12. biggest buck

    Shooting Technique

    This is exactly what I do! I used to shoot with one eye closed until I was at Scheels in Omaha years ago buying my Bowtech Tribute. The guy setting it up for me was fantastic and told me to try it. Have ever since!
  13. biggest buck

    What to do after the kill

    I don't shoot it if I cannot process it right away.
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