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  1. seven twenty

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    1) the only thing that changed was that the tag is now valid in all seasons. Previously it was for a designated season. If you had it for shotgun season, it was valid as a party tag. Still the same. 2) Correct. And it doesn’t sound like anything was changed. It sounds like it was always that...
  2. seven twenty

    Bad weather

    Where is he located?
  3. seven twenty

    Bad weather

    What company is that by chance. I’m debating whether or not to file a claim for my house but I’m afraid they’ll cancel. I’ve never had an home claim either but I’m hearing a lot of stories like yours. My premium has doubled with the last 2 renewals.
  4. seven twenty

    House File 2015 - Landowner Tag Changes

    Huntings rights are defined in the contract. A lot of LO’s around here keep the hunting rights, not the tenant. I agree with you tho. It is abused and not enforced much. An example I put in a previous post, a LO can claim 1 parcel, a tenant or other family mbr claims another parcel, and they...
  5. seven twenty

    House File 2015 - Landowner Tag Changes

    The only possible lost revenue will most likely be from people that only hunt their own land. If they have one target buck that they don’t get during archery, they won’t need a statewide for gun season. Those of us that hunt our own + other will still have to purchase a statewide. On that point...
  6. seven twenty

    House File 2015 - Landowner Tag Changes

    Grandpa, Mom, Trust, LLC, Corp: they are being used that way already. Really doesn’t change that aspect. I guarantee that tags are issued to people who aren’t listed on the trust or aren’t a board mbr on the LLC/Corp etc… (lack of updated paperwork) If there was an issue, they can just claim to...
  7. seven twenty

    CRP burn contractors

    Your volunteer fire depts may do it. We do. Donations are appreciated and accepted. My neighbor does 100 acres across fm me by himself every couple years. Mow a good break around it and back burn. Ride around with your sprayer and a blower and you should be able to knock down anything that...
  8. seven twenty

    Speeding ticket by camera?

    It evidently depends on the jurisdiction. Windsor Heights attaches them to your tax liability. In other words, when you file your state taxes, the state will add or subtract to what you owe or are receiving. Guess how I know
  9. seven twenty


    Just to lighten things up for a minute
  10. seven twenty


    If the taxes are going to bankrupt someone, they aren’t going to doze “acres” of timber to put into production. They could pay taxes for years and not come close to what the clearing and prep work would cost. Even the break even point after planting would take years. We are losing more habitat...
  11. seven twenty

    Speeding ticket by camera?

    If you don’t pay them, they will attach a lien on your tax return. I had heard that also that you didn’t have to pay them and then got the letter. if you are not the driver and contest it, they want you to disclose who was driving. They do not go against your driving record
  12. seven twenty

    FOREST RESERVE - why repealing the law is devastating!

    Orchards- tax the the same as farmland- if you are profiting from it, it should be taxable. No different than any other crop. Forest reserve- provide a payment and then tax it like set aside if necessary but it should not be totally exempt. Or tax it similar to crop ground. The ground that...
  13. seven twenty

    Mathews Heli-m

    What’s a fair price on a used one in good shape? A friends son is looking at one for his first bow and asked me but I have no idea. I’m seeing $350-700. He found 1 for $500 and I told him that was probably fair but thought I’d ask the experts here also
  14. seven twenty

    DNR Public Meetings

    Executive order 10 orders them to evaluate and propose what rules to eliminate and which ones to keep or amend. It’s asking for their input so I’m lost on their excuses. It specifically requires them to “engage the public for meaningful input”. Link...
  15. seven twenty

    Coyote dogs and Private Land Deer Hunting.

    It’s all about the owners, and how much respect they have for the landowners. The majority if not all of the guys around here run GPS on their dogs and make an effort to stop them before they cross into property that they are not cared for. Once in a while, they get through but at least the...
  16. seven twenty

    Game feeders

    I think mines a Moultrie. Plastic tub with metal legs. Weatherproof and holds 200lbs I think. It’s held up great for 6+ yrs now and was a clearance buy for less than $100. Battery holds up well too. I think I’ve had to buy 1 replacement in that time.
  17. seven twenty

    Elk in Iowa

    To answer your questions: Northern part of the state seems to see the most Yes, getting a tag would be a big deal (there aren’t any)
  18. seven twenty

    HF 2104 and SSB 3129

    As written, the bills state that the DNR cannot accept donated land if it was purchased at auction. So how far back does that stipulation go? If the land was bought at auction 10 years ago, can it still be donated. How about last year? How about we work on lowering taxes or something that would...
  19. seven twenty

    HF 2104 and SSB 3129

    I got an email and phone call this afternoon. I don’t get it. Who is getting in these guys’ ears to push this stuff? Anyway, here are the links and the Email https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=90&ba=hf2104 https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ba=SSB%203129&ga=90
  20. seven twenty

    Legislative Update Week 2

    Sligh reported last week that is was dropped/done/over. “Bites the dust” were his words. I hope so.
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