Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. seven twenty

    Anyone seeing fewer turkeys?

    Hadn’t seen any on or near my property in over a year. Kind of assumed bobcats or maybe a disease had depleted the population. Woke up this morning with 21 of them in the yard. Might have to consider a fall hunt
  2. seven twenty

    Conversation mail hacked!

    Not fixed as of 9:55 last night, might be now tho, danin034 was the sender
  3. seven twenty


    Interested if we can figure out a time & place. Msg sent
  4. seven twenty

    2017 H&H 6610

    Where are you located? I’ll pm you
  5. seven twenty

    SF464 and HF60

    Let’s throw this out there also. A group of nr’s get together and purchase a decent chunk of ground. They then form a guide service. Now they are guaranteed tags every year without paying for a guide. The company is just a shell to guarantee tags for them and their friends. Are these “guide...
  6. seven twenty

    HF 290 Casting of dogs

    Until they write something concerning having control of the dogs, it will be an ongoing issue. The argument used now is that you can’t stop them from crossing a line in the middle of the section. The penalty will have to be a major deterrent and enforceable.
  7. seven twenty

    HR 127

    If you haven’t read it, here you go. It even includes provisions for the display of “antique” firearms. And talk about excessive fines, its ridiculous. Rephrase that, the provisions are TBE. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127/text
  8. seven twenty

    Gun Vault

    Your stack on should have come with a key if it’s electronic, I have 2 and they both did
  9. seven twenty


    Since shipping isn’t feasible, let me know if you go to Des Moines. I’m a couple hrs out myself.
  10. seven twenty


    If nobody jumps on this or you are coming south for any reason, let me know. I can get to Des Moines if needed.
  11. seven twenty

    Taxidermy recommendations anyone???

    Conner’s in Creston is well respected and does excellent work. He doesn’t rush and the results I’ve seen were fantastic.
  12. seven twenty

    Necked cartidge bill returns HF 716

    Can anyone post up the #’s for a 45-70 shot from a rifle vs say a 10” pistol? Or does anyone even have an idea of what the velocity difference is? I’m guessing that is what the “dissimilar” issue is. Normal muzzle velocity from a rifle is around 2000fps but just how much drop off is there in a...
  13. seven twenty

    Necked cartidge bill returns HF 716

    The theory on allowable cartridges coincides with the fact that we can party hunt. While I trust the 5 or 6 guys I hunt with, using high power rifles would inherently make things less safe. While the current cartridges also have safety issues, the ballistics are more favorable for fewer incidents.
  14. seven twenty

    Any access issues - let me know...

    Something is really slowing things down. A page here and there loads right up but most are taking a bit of time. Ads? Pop-ups trying to get through? Thx for the password reset. The emails didn’t come through for 12 hrs. (Until this morning) I assume whatever is slowing the pages loading may...
  15. seven twenty


    We’ve gotten 5 out of the same 180 acre field in 2 deer drives. At least 2 still there.
  16. seven twenty

    Non resident land owner needs does harvested

    Depredation tags may be available but those deer are left in field. (Used to be that way) A biologist comes out to assess damage and decides the appropriate amount. A person can purchase as many antlerless tags as they wish as long as they are available in your county. There used to be a late...
  17. seven twenty

    Anyone seeing early rut action???

    Watched a couple bucks chase 3 doe around for about a half hr tonight. Both were pretty interested in 1 of them so I’m assuming she must be getting close. There were 11 other does out here and they were only interested in those 3
  18. seven twenty

    450 Bushmaster AR Pistol in Late Muzzleloader

    I don’t believe a “brace” is required. You can purchase them with only the buffer tube and they are still a pistol. That is why there was so much confusion on brace design. It is not supposed to be shouldered but when you put a brace on, it makes it almost natural to do so. The ATF has declined...
  19. seven twenty

    450 Bushmaster AR Pistol in Late Muzzleloader

    The “lower” of an AR is what defines the gun as a pistol or rifle. With a “pistol” lower, there are no barrel length requirements by the ATF. That is something the state needs to address. (Max barrel length) Honestly, I’ve considered buying a pistol lower because of this loophole.
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