Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Matthewfox_45


    At a place I hunted years ago, 2 dogs from over a mile away would run deer in “my” timber. At first opportunity, they were dealt with swiftly and quietly.
  2. Matthewfox_45


    At the farm I deer hunt, a few summers ago I had the neighbors dogs on cam a couple times. I stopped and told him that we trap coyotes in the fall and I’d sure hate for either of his dogs to end up with a foot pinched, or dead in a snare….never saw them on cam again.
  3. Matthewfox_45

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    So if hunting, trapping, and fishing are rights and not privileges…I shouldn’t need to buy a license????
  4. Matthewfox_45

    Fun day

    I tried to take a decent one, he saw what I was doing, and did this.
  5. Matthewfox_45

    Fun day

    I was going to sell at the ITA auction, but then wasn’t able to make it. Probably end up selling to groeny. Prices are pretty ho hum
  6. Matthewfox_45

    Fun day

    Spent the day with Che Guevara’s grandson yesterday. We coon called, ice fished and predator called. We finished the day with 3 coons, a possum, and a coyote. And we caught a fair amount of fish…pretty good day!
  7. Matthewfox_45

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    Going ice fishing and predator calling with Mr. Guevara today…hopefully can keep him in line.
  8. Matthewfox_45

    Extended antlerless season

    Deer numbers there were pretty good in my opinion.
  9. Matthewfox_45

    Extended antlerless season

    Me and two buddies went to union county and shot 3 does last weekend. We hunted one of the guys family property and had a great time. I know a lot of people don’t support this season. I think you should do what’s in you or your properties best interest
  10. Matthewfox_45

    Make Minnesota Iowa again?

    Glad to see Iowa republicans are solving the states problems. I’m a conservative leaning independent, what a great “use” of our budget surplus. Maybe we could use that money to invest in education or infrastructure???
  11. Matthewfox_45

    24/25 Pheasant Season

    I’m very fortunate to have great pheasant ground to hunt. Have shot a limit almost every time. Hit a spot on Sunday with a different group then I normally hunt with and we shot 13.
  12. Matthewfox_45

    Shotgun hunting observation

    I have 3 different places that I’ve hunted or trapped on for years. One is owned by one of my closest friends. I contact them every year, and let thrm know when I’m going to be out, just to be respectful
  13. Matthewfox_45

    Trapping 2024-25

    Kept some traps out after catching those two beavs…hoping to catch an otter…was rewarded today with a double on otters.
  14. Matthewfox_45

    Trapping 2024-25

    Caught a couple more beavs this week, 47 and 40 lbs.
  15. Matthewfox_45

    Pheasant rebound…

    Me and a buddy walked a couple spots today and got 5. It was a wet son of a gun out there this morning.
  16. Matthewfox_45


    Same thing happened last year at little wall lake. Of course the many local libs took the opportunity to blame lead shot.
  17. Matthewfox_45

    Shotgun hunting observation

    That’s an interesting observation Rob. My group is younger….im the oldest at 44. Also, there’s only 4 of us. We do one push a season, and it’s on the neighbors property, my brother in laws farm is only 130 acres, sitting makes way more sense.
  18. Matthewfox_45

    Iowa Trespassing laws

    I guess I’ll stir the pot a little. Does the tower blind mean the neighbors can’t sit on their side of the fence right there. Maybe that’s the best spot for them with a certain wind?
  19. Matthewfox_45

    New Tannery

    Chase will flesh them. He’s done multiple furs for me and will be getting a coyote and mink tomorrow from me.
  20. Matthewfox_45

    Trapping 2024-25

    What a specimen! I seriously don’t know how my wife manages to keep her hands off of me! But somehow she does!
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