Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. gunrunr

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    I was always told that landowner tags were for people actively engaged in farming and producing crops for income as a business. Supposedly it was to help offset some of the damage done by the wildlife and allowed you to harvest an extra deer on your own property only. When my father and I...
  2. gunrunr

    New bow purchase at Scheels

    Ask for Craig Coon at Scheels in WDM - he's a good bow technician with many years of experience.
  3. gunrunr

    Pulsar Thermal Monocular For Sale

    sold pending payment
  4. gunrunr

    Pulsar Thermal Monocular For Sale

    SOLD Pending payment
  5. gunrunr

    Pulsar Thermal Monocular For Sale

    I have a Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro Thermal Monocular - It is just over a year old and only used as a Shop Demo - Was absolutely their top of the line 640 x 480 resolution with all the newest upgrades - Range is unreal and clarity is top notch unbelievable - They no longer make this one so I have...
  6. gunrunr

    Pulsar Thermal Monocular For Sale

    I have a Pulsar Thermion 2 XP50 Pro Thermal Monocular - It is just over a year old and only used as a Shop Demo - Was absolutely their top of the line at the time with 640 x 480 resolution - Range is unreal and clarity is top notch - They no longer make this one so I have purchased the newest...
  7. gunrunr

    Drones and future management…..

    Drones flying over my property, coyote hounds running my farm, blood hounds tracking deer - they all equate to trespassing to me if they do not have my permission. They all diminish the enjoyment and privacy I have on my own land which is why I own land in the first place. I own a pretty decent...
  8. gunrunr

    Blind trailer build

    We sold a bunch of these trailers with towers this past fall (without the blind) and were very happy with them. You can put any blind on top easily. I Put one out myself with a Banks blind on it and loved it. Has jacks on all 4 corners to level out and an kit to anchor it down as well. I...
  9. gunrunr

    Iowa Trespassing laws

    OLD thread but it appears the sentiment is still the same. I originally posted this in 2010 - 14 years ago. I think improvements have been made but we can always do better. I don't have as big a problem with trespassing as I used to but Multiple Cellular cameras on every property is the biggest...
  10. gunrunr

    Any cuddeback experts on here?

    I use only the larger solar panels and have never had them run out of power, even in dark timber or when a creature tips them down towards the ground - they always seem to suck up enough light to keep the cameras operational. I have a few cams without batteries in them at all to test that...
  11. gunrunr

    Any cuddeback experts on here?

    The L's are far better in every regard to the G or J cameras so I sold all my old stuff and upgraded. Picture quality and battery life much improved I also run Solar panels on almost every single camera and have some that I haven't touched in 2 years that are still going.
  12. gunrunr

    Crossbow broadheads different?

    Fixed blade broadheads for crossbow are mostly the same - just dont shoot cheap as the extra speed magnifies any irregularities. I have seen really good luck with the QAD Exodus in crossbows plus they are actually made in the USA - a nice bonus. For mechanicals, make sure to get a Crossbow...
  13. gunrunr

    Free to good home

    I have tested G series Lighted nocks from Nockturnal, Luminock, Firenock and others and none are good enough for my standards. THey do NOT stay straight after a dozen shots or less. The HALO nocks do and am very happy with them - they also happen to be the easiest to turn on and off.
  14. gunrunr

    Free to good home

    Those are the best G Nock Lighted nocks I have found and same as I use
  15. gunrunr

    What's next for Republicans?

    How is it possible that 3 days after the election several districts around the country have only reported 50% of the vote? A lot of them are in California - it seems they are trying to figure out why Republicans are winning so much there and trying to change that?
  16. gunrunr

    What's next for Republicans?

    I too voted in person at the courthouse about 2 weeks ago - I just don't have confidence in the mail in voting unless absolutely necessary.
  17. gunrunr

    Cuddelink questions

    I am perfectly happy with the quality of pics that I am sent and have not pulled a full high-rez picture off a camera in years. I run the bigger Solars on mine and have some cameras that I haven't touched in a couple years - they just keep going.
  18. gunrunr

    Bike hunters ??

    I am a retailer that has bought and sold six different brands of bikes and I think service and support behind the bike is the most important thing. I have people bringing in bikes of numerous unheard of brands that they bought on Amazon for me to fix and we can't get ahold of anyone to get...
  19. gunrunr

    Tactacam Cell Plan

    I use the bigger solar panels - make sure the camera recognizes it is attached by running the battery test. If it says EXT BAT OK then you are fine - if just BAT OK then you need to pull camera batteries and try it again to make sure solar is hooked up and transmitting power. You can also look...
  20. gunrunr

    Tactacam Cell Plan

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