Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Thinkin Rut

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Leave it alone but once you kill your 2 you're done. I like that. I also like the 80 acres to qualify for a LO tag also but previous LO's should be grandfathered in. That might help with the segmentation problem also.
  2. Thinkin Rut

    Brassicas not touched

    Id replace the brassicas with Rye...it probably needs a break from the brassicas anyway. You won't be sorry and you can come back to brassicas another time. You could even run a small brassica test plot if you really wanted.
  3. Thinkin Rut

    Wow Just Wow....... Land Prices

    What is the upper end of the going rate?
  4. Thinkin Rut

    EHD deer health strategies?

    Yes, and that didn't seem like much to me. I'm sure at some point they would turn their nose up :)
  5. Thinkin Rut

    EHD deer health strategies?

    In addition to these treatments, we use powdered garlic in our feed at the rate of 2# per ton of feed throughout the year. I find it to be very effective in reducing ticks and the animals do not seem to mind the taste. I wonder what this would equate to adding garlic to 100 lbs of mineral...
  6. Thinkin Rut

    mineral questions

    1st would be Ivermectin...best place to buy, what form does it come in and best way to apply to mineral and grain? 2nd, best place to purchase granular garlic? And does anyone add any straight salt or Dical to it? Starting with kent framework and molasses.
  7. Thinkin Rut

    Harvest Numbers

    IMO...shotgunners have their place when numbers are high, almost doing what mother nature will do without. It's when you couple it with something as devastating as EHD is when it's a problem. Don't get it twisted, the shoot everything crowd is just a tool for the DNR. The DNR can't stop EHD but...
  8. Thinkin Rut

    Unique bucks….

    Mostly flat, bladed drop tine buck.
  9. 1734891621435.jpeg


  10. Thinkin Rut

    Making farm more attractive during archery season

    Sounds like you've done everything right, unfortunately it's just where Iowa is right now. I call it ground zero. It's when your area initially gets hit with EHD then evolves into a rolling yearly EHD kill. Overwintering in cattle just to start the process over in the spring. It doesn't seem as...
  11. Thinkin Rut

    My dad shot an old warrior

    Happy hunter on the old buck...congrats!
  12. Thinkin Rut

    Cull buck pics

    All for it by the way...hard sell.
  13. Thinkin Rut

    Cull buck pics

    I'm afraid the only way that will fly is one tag across the board. One free floating LO tag and one paid tag for the non landowner. By just whispering that, feathers will be ruffled. The other choice will be to cut LO to 2 buck tags, not nearly as effective, then again, all hell will be raised...
  14. Thinkin Rut

    Cull buck pics

    Great explanation skip!
  15. Thinkin Rut

    2024 RC Big Rock Switchgrass- Promo

    Is drilling far superior in the spring?
  16. Thinkin Rut

    2024 IL Buck

    Nice IL buck!
  17. Thinkin Rut


    Enjoyed the 360!
  18. Thinkin Rut

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    Once the last pockets of good hunting succumb to EHD, seasons, firearms and all that has been thrown at it, once the NR's talk amongst themselves and once hunters figure out they have been misled by the no fence high fence celebrity hunters, at that point the new cycle and the rebuilding will...
  19. Thinkin Rut

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    Hopefully they see it as unintentionally gained prior to the new law.
  20. Thinkin Rut

    Tore up!

    If I didn’t have multiples with similar injury’s, I’d say you’re right.
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