Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Muddyrem

    New bill

    What you mean farm flippers overnight? Haven’t you seen what’s already going on? Every parcel south of Des Moines is being chopped up. It’s disgusting watching greed ruin southern Iowa one 40 acre parcel at a time…………
  2. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Jesse and Cody were taking bets on if I would come back and hunt this year. That group of guys is the last of the Mohicans. If nothing else I need to get back on Saturday night just to drink some Busch Latte’s with everyone. Like you said though, some of my fondest memories hunting were with...
  3. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Yeah I guess I’ll agree to disagree. I’m 35 years old, I don’t own any land yet. So my entire hunting career has merely been based off permission and relationships. You say 25 years and I say 5 years, Tomato / Tamata…….
  4. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    We use to have a percentage of hunters that didn’t care about antlers or growing “booners” and that was ok. We still had plenty of deer to hunt. Now today, you’re the OutKast if you don’t kill a 5.5 year old 170 “ deer. The hunting world has made it a giant competition, hence why we’re not...
  5. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    It’s pretty eye opening how far apart we as deer hunters are on agreeing there’s problems with what is going on today in Iowa and our deer herd. I think some of you forget the Oceans have become vacated of species of fish due to over harvesting. None of us have ever harvested a wild American...
  6. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I don’t buy it either. It’s very very easy to make an increase in price and not even have to justify it. Look at the world we live in today, every single thing has gone up in price and the justification behind it is what? Nothing………… So the state in every single aspect of their revenue...
  7. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Bingo! You killed a deer, you hunted an entire season. Go fish, go shoot rabbits, go chase squirrels, go pheasant hunt, duck hunt…………we have all kinds of outdoor activities that can replace days afield.
  8. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Ha, you better have another whiskey for the night. This makes zero sense………
  9. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    You’d rather burn the resource to the ground before you give up your “god given rights” Makes sense……..
  10. Muddyrem

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    1 buck tag state wide, plus 1 buck tag for LO who own 20 acres or more. Land owner tags be priced at the same price point as a regular any sex tag. Cell cameras illegal to use during season. No more party hunting. Doe tags reduced state wide. Youth hunters must be 12 years of age and...
  11. Muddyrem

    ice fishing reports

    That thing is really sharp. For a wheelhouse that’s gotta be one of the better looking ones I’ve seen on the inside and out. At first glance most would never even know that it’s used as an ice house.
  12. Muddyrem

    Tags need to go

    Bad thing, there’s more guys abusing this than people think. We sit here and complain about non residents and celebrities and whoever else someone deems worthy of “ruining” Iowa’s deer herd. When in reality it’s guys like Mike who are just as much to blame. Guys have become “overnight” deer...
  13. Muddyrem

    Tags need to go

    Anybody watch the most recent Midwest Whitetail episode where Mike’s Daughter (under the age of 16) killed her 3rd buck of the season. During the video she also proceeds to tell the audience that she has a “landowner” tag in her pocket too. She kills her 3rd buck and dad pulls it into the corn...
  14. Muddyrem

    Young studs !

    Only to never return…………
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  17. Muddyrem

    Late Season question

    Now that’s some serious dedication. I’ve slept in the duck boat over night so sleeping in the blind isn’t too far out there
  18. Muddyrem

    Diseased Buck Help!

    I wish every hunter in Iowa would stop throwing CWD around. Fastest way to ruin your herd is make claims about seeing it or having one affected by it. Just ask those fellas up in Northeast Iowa how that’s worked for their herd in areas where there have been positive tests………
  19. Muddyrem

    Meet Brock Lesnar

    Woofta. How old do you think he is?
  20. Muddyrem

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    I guess I’m not following………. There’s left over tags because there was that many people “abusing” the “partying hunting” and so therefor now those same people don’t want to come buy a 500$ doe tag because in reality it was a 500$ neighbor, friend of a friend, Betty sue up the road, Tom from...
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