zero chance id have an electric blower for fire use.
Fine for home owner who can grab a beer while they change a battery. Last thing i'd want to worry about on a fire if things start to get western.
Coon for sure if going to WDM.
Have been more than happy going to Altoona as well. I couldn't get my bow to tune to save my life. Mark (owner) fixed it in 10 minutes to perfection. (Top hat issue).
If i had one thing I don't love about Altoona is they don't stock a ton of options as far as bow...
Why sketchy? Law changed (hypothetically) so you changed registration. Worried about getting pulled over and explaining where you're hunting? I'm not trying to lack empathy, but it's sounds a little paranoid. If you're following the law there is zero to worry about. Just do it right and enjoy...
Ok I understand what you're saying. But you have an avenue under the proposed rule change to maintain your LOT tag status. Good advice by DNR officer under current rules. If rule changes you have an option.
(It takes a FOIA filing to get the list which anyone can do, but they don't voluntarily post a list anywhere)
So I have the list. Looking at it right now. The 5 tags that generated out of the governors office, most people wont know. One famous golfer, but certainly isnt on a deer TV show.
Those give away tags arnt the ones that have been making videos or promoting. They are basically unrecognizable names that I assume made a campaign contribution. I wouldn't have guessed this until I saw breakdown of who got what and where tag generated from.
Good friendly debate amongst skeptical on this. The guys people seeing on TV/social media didn't get the celebrity/media tags. Still going to see the like of Luke combs, Morgan Wallen, etc etc shooting deer all over TV after they buy the auction tags, which is what they did...
The qualifying piece would have to be contiguous. So own a 40+ or be the farm tenant on a 40+. Then as Skip said, once a qualifying piece is established a person could go hunt additional smaller parcels they own on the same tag.
Just word of caution for folks re SF 293. I don't think you are going to notice a change. I've read SF 293 5 times now.
Governor gets 10 tags to give away as "celeb tags". That's the exact number that were given away this past season (and the names arn't recognizable or people you saw on TV)...
It's a water soluble granular.
As a foodplotter, I'm not a huge fan of granulars just based on my personal experience. It seems I end up with a slurry mess in bottom of tank once in a while regardless of my efforts of proper agitation.
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