Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. tigejones

    24/25 Pheasant Season

    I have only been out once this so far (going again on Sunday). Hunted private ground in Guthrie county. 4 guys and 2 dogs. We shot and recovered 8. That is about normal for that piece of ground. I would agree that dogs make a huge difference.
  2. tigejones

    CW’s 2024 Spring Turkey Season

    Where do you hunt in NE? I am originally for NE Nebraska.
  3. tigejones

    .410 ammo

    wapsi, sent you a pm
  4. tigejones

    Gardens are cranking!

    Looks awesome, can you share your recipe?
  5. tigejones

    Who do you prefer, DeSantis or Trump?

    Ignorance is bliss
  6. tigejones

    Smoker Opinions

    I have the GMG Jim Bowie...now called Peek and I love it.
  7. tigejones

    TideWe Blinds

    I have already used it with 20+ mph winds and was shocked by how much wind it blocked. Not sure how they do it, but it was very similar to the other solid wall blinds that I have had.
  8. tigejones

    TideWe Blinds

    I got a blind that seems very similar for $80 on Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4ZZKSLP?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details. So far it seems to be working great. Love the see through walls.
  9. tigejones

    EASY LINKS TO EMAIL IN! SHARE! Bad bills now….

    Best 5 minutes of my day!! Thanks Skip
  10. tigejones

    My possible "start up"

    That is awesome
  11. tigejones

    Let’s Eat! (The Ishi legacy thread)

    Neighbor wanted me to smoke a whole deer quarter. Turned out amazing. Used a recipe from S. Rinella. Brine for 3 days, inject with brine and smoke at 180 degrees until internal temp reaches 150. Took about 8 hours. Definitely will do this again!!
  12. tigejones

    Where are all the WORKERS?

    My son is currently in his 3rd year of an electrical apprenticeship. He has always loved working with his hands and wasn't much for school. He is having a blast!!. I also was part of a Trades job fair this past winter here in DSM. There were over 5K students from all around the state that...
  13. tigejones


    IBH, my son and I went down there Sunday to help with the clean-up. We hunt about 300 yards north of there. Pictures just don't do justice. Mother Nature is amazing and sometime evil. Prayers to everyone that was impacted.
  14. tigejones

    HF 2069 cost of registering canoes and kayaks

    Love this, I bike between 2000-2500 miles a year including 25+ Ragbrai's. Iowa has the best trail system in the country.
  15. tigejones

    HF 2069 cost of registering canoes and kayaks

    Easy on the bike trails. The Raccoon Trail in central IA does charge an annual usage fee.
  16. tigejones

    21-22 Pheasant Season

    We have had some decent success in central IA. The last time we went out (Friday after Thanksgiving) we shot our 5 man limit before noon. No pics with my lab. Great family dog, but he is afraid of his own shadow so not much for hunting :(
  17. tigejones

    Improving Website??? - Ideas, input, suggestions.....

    sorry, i will re-phrase. Is there an app that I can download for iphone or does everyone just access via the internet?
  18. tigejones

    Improving Website??? - Ideas, input, suggestions.....

    what is the name of the app you use to access IAwhitetail?
  19. tigejones

    Recent Site Updates: Social Media Account Connections and Links Added

    Thanks for these additions, I got a new truck and needed a new decal so I used the gear link to order a hat!!!
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