Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Hide-the-Hippy

    May not be packing alot of horn...

    ...but sure is packing a lot of something else...
  2. Buck


  3. Hide-the-Hippy

    Sunday is a big day...

    I hope my Vikings pick up a win against the Lions...but the only win I am hoping for is Olympic Wrestling to return to the 2020 games. I guess in this case, "We win, we will get drunk. We lose, we still will get drunk." :drink1:
  4. Hide-the-Hippy

    Nose jammer

    I started using it last year off and on. I guess I never really noticed a difference with it. For some reason I liked it though. This year, from the first camera placement, I sprayed it on a couple of trees and that way come the season, the deer won't get as "spooked".
  5. Hide-the-Hippy

    A few videos taken with a JTS Wildlife Cameras Blackflash

    Great videos! That last buck is neat looking. Any history with him? :way:
  6. Hide-the-Hippy

    Wildgame Trail Camera Issues

    Nope, both set-ups have been in woods away from tall grass! I have a feeling that its something internal and that it can't be fixed. But I do agree with you about not buying another W.G.!
  7. Hide-the-Hippy

    Wildgame Trail Camera Issues

    I have a Wildgame Innovations 5.0 W5E Micro Camera and it has been a great working camera. However, as of lately it has been acting up. I have my trigger set for every 30 seconds...and it will take a picture every 30 seconds.Therefore, after a couple days I had roughly 2,500 pictures of...
  8. Hide-the-Hippy


    I switched to a Clinch Dual Caliper by Fuse....absolutely love it. Wish I could have made the switch earlier.
  9. Hide-the-Hippy

    Fanny Packs?

    I started out with one for a couple of years. Then every time I'd walk to the stand i would bring something new every time. It just got to be too much for me so i bought a backpack from gander mountain. I love it. But I don't know how anyone can hunt with out some type of fanny pack or backpack!
  10. Hide-the-Hippy

    All Natural Trout

    I am a pretty lucky guy to have at least 3 miles of a private trout stream to roll through my hunting access ground. The best part about this steam is that it is all natural. Therefore, this stream is not stocked by the DNR. If you're welling to muscle up, put some pants on, and walk a half mile...
  11. Trout


  12. Hide-the-Hippy

    Mother's Day Bird

    I was lucky enough to kill this gobbler on Mother's Day. I had set up and knew exactly where the birds were coming from. I worked one from the roost for bout 45 minutes, got to bout 80 yards, and hung up. As he was walking away, this guy was coming in. I guess I didn't really notice him until I...
  13. Hide-the-Hippy

    Crazy Week in the Midwest

    Wow! Congrats!!
  14. Keaton's Bird

    Keaton's Bird

  15. Hide-the-Hippy

    Anchored a Toad

    wow!!! heck of a bird! congrats!!
  16. Hide-the-Hippy

    A Look Back- 'Hole In Nose Doe'

    That's awesome Chris!!
  17. Big 4

    Big 4

  18. Hide-the-Hippy

    License plates...

    Wartburg?? Ew. Go Norse!
  19. Hide-the-Hippy

    all day sits

    180Class & beararchery.... lol
  20. Hide-the-Hippy

    Tree Stand Views

    This is my favorite place to hunt. Never been skunked..always seen deer. Caught this perfectly as the sun was setting behind me.
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